Chapter 11

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     "The notorious 'Nightmare gang' and two unknown criminals referred to as 'Glitch' and 'Scythe' have struck yet again, last night around eleven. The seven criminals invaded a bank and attempted to steal almost all of the money. They were caught red handed at the scene of the crime, and had a fight with our city's police force. The five members of Nightmare's group overpowered the police and fled the scene, disappearing without a trace.

     "The other two criminals engaged in one-on-one combat with the two police on their cases, Geno C.Q. and Ink Comyet. They fled after a short fight and were pursued by officers C.Q. and Comyet, but evaded capture. The perpetrators escaped with around 10 thousand dollars, and luckily left no casualties. Now to you, Rodger.

     Ink groaned as he entered his room after watching the news report. He was glad that no one was injured on the police side, but frustrated that his case kept eluding him. He flopped onto his bed with a loud thump, fully intending to pass out for at least 12 hours. It was 5am, and he and Geno had been in the police station for almost five hours reporting their encounters. He was exhausted from fighting, being up all night, and being interrogated by the other police on his fight with 'Glitch'. It didn't help that he had only been asleep for about an hour before Geno barged into his room to get to the bank. He closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.


     Ink yawned and sat up, glancing at the clock. 7pm. Welp, his sleep schedule was going to be messed up for a few days. He glanced at his phone to see a few notifications. One on the weather, one on the WSL, one on the news, and a few messages from Geno and Error. He decided to ignore the ones from Geno, assuming they were on work, and looked at the ones from Error. He saw a few from a couple hours ago, latest, and some more recent ones, one sent not seven minutes ago. He looked at the messages.


5:50pm:R U there?


6:10pm:What are you doing?



7:55pm:Hello darkness my old friend...

                                                                                                       What is it?

                                                                                          Sry, I was asleep

Man, you sleep late ;p

                                         I was up all night >.< Cut me some slack...


                                                                                           Watch the news...

Oh, that was you?

                            I mean, do you know any other police named Ink???

Well I don't know any police XP

Anyways, we are the sleepless night club

     As soon as Error sent that message in his room, he regretted it, knowing what was coming next.

                                                                                    Y didnt U get any sleep?

     Ink saw Error began typing, but the text bubble kept disappearing, signifying he kept erasing the message. Finally the unusually small message came through.

Boss made me do some work

                                                                                                         Thats no fun :(

                                                                                                 What kind of work?


Are we still going to meet up on saturday?

                                                                                                                     Of course!

     Suddenly Ink had an incoming call message. It was from Geno. Ink quickly sent a message to Error.

                                                                                              Colleague calling, gtg!

He picked up the call.

     "We don't have work tomorrow," Geno said. "The captain decided to give us the day off after last night."

     "Ok," Ink responded. "That's it?" He asked.

     "Yup," Geno said, popping the 'p'. "I woke up a few hours ago. You?" Ink grinned.

     "Aboooouuuuut...Five minutes ago,"Ink responded cheerfully. Geno sighed.

     "Well, I'm going to go get some food," Geno stated.


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