Chapter 6

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     Geno was curled up in his fluffy P.J.s on the couch, holding an almost empty steaming cup of coffee.He had been that way for the past few hours. Damn insomnia. He glanced at the clock on his phone as he heard his phone ring, and saw it was 8:00 am. He didn't recognize the caller I.D, but decided to pick up anyways.

     "Hello?" He said, tentatively. "Who is this?"

     "Hey sweetheart," he heard as a response. Geno internally groaned.

     "What do you want," he demanded. Reaper just laughed.

     "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the park with me today." Geno quickly weighed his options. He could either sit at home all day and be bored, or go and get infuriated at Reaper. Again. He decided to go with Reaper, despite his better judgement. 

     "Sure," he reluctantly replied. "I'll meet you there in 15 minutes."


     As Geno walked into the park, he saw in the distance a person with a black cloak on, sitting on the plastic roof of the highest part of the play structure. No, it couldn't be, He thought as he quickly approached the playground. It's Reaper, isn'- Suddenly, the person jumped from the roof to land three feet in front of Geno, long black cape flying. Geno paused and stared at Reaper, a compleatly shocked expression plastered on his face.

     "Like what you see?" The other skeleton teased. 

     "No," Geno huffed, crossing his arms. "I just can't believe you just jumped about ten yards forward and 20 feet down, just to land three feet in front of me. You could have got hurt, and nearly gave me a heart attack in the process."

     "Concerned about my well being?" Reaper asked smugly. 

     "I'm actually mostly worried about my well being," Geno retorted. "I would not like to be accidentally landed on, thank you very much. 

     "You're welcome," Reaper commented. Geno looked confused for a moment, before it clicked. 

      "No," Geno stated. Reaper chuckled and stuffed his hands in his pockets as they began strolling along. They lapsed into silence for a moment, before Reaper broke it.

     "So, I'm guessing you're a police officer, am I right?" Geno nodded. 

     "I work with my partner on cases, usually to catch criminals," He stated. Reaper looked mildly interested.

     "What are you working on right now?" He questioned Geno. Geno glared at Reaper.

     "And why do you want to know?" He asked suspiciously. Reaper put his hands up in a gesture of surrender and shrugged.

     "Just thought it would be interesting to learn about. After all, a lot of kids at some point or another want to be a police," Was his nonchalant reply. Geno sighed.

     "You do realize this is classified information, and is technically illegal to ask for, right?" Geno said. Reaper tilted his head to the side and shrugged. "Look, all you need to know is that we're currently following two criminals known as Glitch and Scythe. Capisce?" Reaper nodded, seemingly satisfied. They lapsed into another tense silence. Suddenly, Geno heard a loud Ding! from Reaper's pocket. Reaper whipped out his phone and cursed mildly. He then flashed Geno a grin and a wink.

     "Sorry, sweetheart, but I'm going to have to cut this date short," Reaper said while putting his phone back into his pocket. Geno nodded for a second, before the words sunk in. 

      "This is not a date," He huffed indignantly. Reaper shrugged. 

     "I asked you to meet me, you came, and we hung out. That seems like a date to me," Reaper pointed out. Geno rolled his eyes. 

     "I had literally nothing to do today. Figured might as well get outside," Geno argued. Reaper sent Geno another cocky grin. 

     "Sorry, honey, but we'll have to resume this argument later. I really have to go," He said as he began walking away. Geno waved. 

     "See ya."

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