Chapter 19

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     Geno eventually returned to his house. As it was a Friday, he didn't have to return to the station for a few days. This left him to think over the events of the day.

     All he wanted was to be left alone, but soon enough, his phone chimed. He glanced at the screen to see who it was. Reaper. Of course.

Wanna meet up sweetheart?

                                I just had a long day. Not now.

So later then~?


But you said 'not now'. That implies later.

                                  JUST SHUT UP I'M TIRED OK

Sure love

                   AND STOP CALLING ME PET NAMES


     Geno groaned as he silenced his phone. His mind turned to the events of the day. He realized he still had no idea where Error had gone to all those years ago, and where he even went that day. He noted how relaxed Error seemed seeing Ink. In their childhood, Error had never been that comfortable around anyone besides his brothers and mom.

     Well, maybe not Fresh.

     Geno was bursting with questions and curiosity, but realized he didn't have his brother's contact. In fact, he knew nothing about where Error lived anyways. It felt too awkward to ask Ink to trick Error into meeting his brother again, as surely Error wouldn't come willingly based on his reaction to seeing his older brother that day.

     What should he do?

     As he lay pondering his choices, he began to doze off. As he fell asleep, only one thing was on his mind.


     And also how to avoid Reaper.


     The next day, he woke up to the sight of 30 new message notifications. All from Reaper of course.

     Oh wait. One was from Ink. Geno ignored it and turned to the other 29 messages from Reaper. They were all his name to varying lengths.



Gen gen


Are you even awake?????

     All the rest of the messages followed to that extent. Geno glanced at the clock. 8:30. He slept a lot longer than usual it seemed. He considered his choices. He could stay at home and torment himself with questions, or go out and be tormented by someone else. Afer a good while of consideration, he responded.

                                                                            I'm up

What took you so long to respond?

                     I was considering whether I should 

                                           stay at home or see you

It really took you that long?


Fine. Where do you want to go?

                             How about we go see a movie

Oh, a movie date~?

                                 No. You can't talk to me and 

                                     bug me in a movie theater


Fine. I choose the movie though



     Reaper chose a horror movie. His hope was that Geno was scared of horror shows and would cuddle him like people do in books or movies. Sadly for him though, Geno wasn't bothered.

     The show was about a serial killer who began terrorizing a family for his amusement, trapping them in their home and jumpscaring or torturing them. It ended with the family of four dead and the serial killer on the loose to continue his mischief.

     Geno had seen enough blood over his time as a police officer that the gore didn't bother him much, and he had never had a big fear of jumpscares. He actually enjoyed the show. As they walked out, Reaper had an idea.

     "How about a parting kiss?" He teased.

     Geno gave him a blank look and walked away.

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