Chapter 23

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Error staggered to his feet. Nightmare had chucked him out of the base through a window.

"Awwwww, coooomee oooooon, Niiighhty," He slurred. "Whaaaat waass thaat fooooorr?" Nightmare growled at him, looking through the shattered window Error had just flown through.

"You're drunk Error. Go get yourself in trouble or something. I don't want you destroying the base again. Last time you got this drunk, it took Reaper, Horror, Cross, and Killer to get you contained! And that was after you broke down the wall between the kitchen and living room..."

"Itttt wasssss aann aciiiiiiddeennntt Niiiiiighhhhhtttyy!" Error whined. Nightmare glared.

"Just don't get yourself arrested," he muttered and turned away to go back into the house. Error staggered around for a moment before a dopey grin crossed his face.

"I waannnnnna gooo see Iiiiiinnnnnnnnkkkkyyy," He declared, before snapping his fingers. He luckily found himself in the hallway outside of Ink's apartment door, instead of halfway through a wall like the last time he teleported while drunk. He suddenly felt exhausted. Why was he so tired all of a sudden? He flopped on the floor, hitting the ground with a thump.

Ink was changing into a T-shirt and shorts for the night, ready to go to bed. It was 9 at night and it had been a long day. After talking with Dream, he had to go shopping for groceries and did some side research on the case he and Geno were working on. However, suddenly he heard a loud bang outside of his door. He walked all the way down the corridor through his apartment. It was a bit annoying that his bedroom was on the opposite side of the apartment from the door. He opened the door to see Error as a lump in the hallway. Ink blinked, his eyes changing into question marks. Why was Error just laying there?

"Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyy, Iiiiinnnnkkkkyyy," Error said, looking up from the floor. His face was yellow with blush and his eyes were hazy. Ink realized he was definitely intoxicated. He sighed.

"You're drunk Error," he stated flatly. "Go home." Error whined.

"I'mmm noooottt drrruuunnk! Tthhheeee floooor loooooked lonelyyyy, sooo I gaaaave iiiiiit a huuuuggg," He protested, his face flopping back down onto the carpet in the hall. Ink realized he couldn't just leave Error there. He grabbed Error's hand and hoisted him up, curious to see that glitches fizzled slightly before disappearing, unlike the crash from earlier when Fresh touched him.

"Let's get you inside," He muttered. He walked over to the large couch which was in the living room directly to the left of the entrance, with one of Error's arms slung over his shoulder. He huffed once Error flopped down onto the couch. He was heavier than Ink expected. He walked across the hall to his kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, along with some pills to help with Error's hangover in the morning. He walked back into the living room and put the pills on a table, handing Error the water.

"Drink this. It should help," He instructed. Error tried, ending up with more water on his shirt than what he drank. Ink took the cup and refilled it, before putting it on the table for the next morning. He turned to go to his room. However, he felt Error tugging on his sleeve.

"Staaayyyy, Iinnkkyyyy," Error whined. Ink sighed.

"No, Error," He said, gently trying to tug his sleeve away. Error held on stubbornly. Ink finally gave in and walked back to the couch, sitting down. He yelped as he felt Error yank him down so he was laying beside the other. He blushed.

"Youuu'rrrreeeee cuuutee, Inkkkkyy," Error said. Ink turned over to face Error. His eyes were changing rapidly to try to keep up with everything that was happening. He also vaguely registered the fact that Error wasn't crashing even though there was so much physical contact. Error's arms were wrapped around Ink's waist.

"Yooouuuurrrr eeyyeess arrree changgginnnggg," Error muttered, lifting a hand up to Ink's cheek, causing Ink to blush even more. "Whyyyy?"

"W-well," Ink stuttered out. "They change with my emotions." Error looked confused.

"Buuuutt Innnkkkyy, you doon't haaavvee a ssooouuulll, riiighht?" He asked. Ink froze. How could Error know about that? Error nuzzled his head into Ink's shoulder.

"Mmmmmhhhhh," He muttered. "Yoooou're waarrmm." And with that he fell asleep. Ink sighed. He was so confused. How could Error know he was soulless? He hadn't told anyone besides Geno, Dream, and Blue, and knew that none of them would have told Error. Heck, only Geno even knew Error. He realized he wouldn't get any answers until Error woke up and was hopefully sober again. He closed his eyes, resigned to his fate.


Error woke up with a splitting headache. He looked around and realized he had no clue where he was. He then looked down and crashed.

Ink was asleep next to him on the couch.

A Dangerous IllusionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora