Chapter 8

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     Geno was typing on his laptop in the office, still trying to find out more about the two criminals 'Scythe' and 'Glitch'. The weekend had been a nice distraction, with meeting Reaper on Friday, talking the next day, and then doing absolutely nothing on Sunday, but he was now hard at work. It was frustrating really, finding small scraps of information then trying to piece them together. It didn't help that he was exhausted, he needed a caffeine break. Then he heard someone walk in. Geno looked up reluctantly to see who it was.

     It was Ink, with two cups of coffee in hand. Ink placed down the coffee cup on Geno's desk. Geno offered a weary grin while taking the coffee and taking one long sip. Hot and freshly brewed, 2 creams and half a packet of sugar. Geno's favorite.

     "I need a break," He announced. "I've been working myself down to the bone with all this research." Ink giggled at the pun, and nodded.

     "I agree," He stated. "Sooooooo...what should we talk about?" He questioned the other skeleton, while taking a sip of his coffee. Geno thought for a moment before snapping his fingers and grinning.

     " about families?" He suggested. Ink shrugged.

     "Uh, sure, why not? Well, I'm pretty boring. I'm an only child. My mom died in an arson fire when I was around 13, and that's what prompted me to become a police officer. What about you?"

     Geno swallowed. "Well, I have two brothers, Fresh and Error," Geno began. Error?! Ink thought.

     "What are they like?" He quickly cut in.

     "Well... Fresh was a total goofball. He's the youngest of the three of us, being four years younger than me. He is...unique to say the least. He always wears these shades that can change what four letter word is being displayed automatically. He is obsessed with the 90's, so he wears really bright neon clothes and talks in weird slang. He moved to another country a few years ago, after our parents died.

     "Error is the middle child. He is black with some blue streaks going down his face; they look like tears. He glitches a lot, both his voice and his appearance. He has haphephobia, and is one year younger than me."

     Ink swallowed nervously "Oh that's cool, sounds way more eventful then my life," he said, nervously scratching the back of his neck. "Are... you.... in... touch with your siblings at all?"

     Geno frowned, noticing how nervous Ink seemed. I wonder why, he thought, but he decided to not dwell on it. "Eh, I catch up with Fresh occasionally, but not very often. Error... he's kind of been off of the radar for a long time now. We were never that close. The only thing I really know is that he's fine, wherever he is. He's one tough cookie," he sighed. There was a moment of awkward silence. Neither of them knew what else to say. Geno shifted uncomfortably and glanced at the clock.

     "Welp. This 'break' should probably end now," he said with a tired grin. "Time to get back to work."

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