Chapter 5

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     Ink arrived at the coffee shop the next day and sat down at a table after quickly scanning the room for Error. He glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and saw it was 7:50. He figured Error would be there soon, and began looking at the menu. He didn't order anything, as it would probably be rude and he quite frankly didn't want anything. 20 minutes later a familiar dark boned skeleton sauntered through the door. Ink quickly waved him over.

     "I've been waiting for 20 minutes," Ink whined playfully as Error sat down. Error shrugged.

     "It's called being fashionably late. Besides, It's you're fault for being early," Error stated, glancing at the clock. 

     Ink decided to try to strike up a casual conversation. 

     "Sooooooo...what job do you have?" He asked the other skeleton. Error stiffened ever so slightly. Ink wondered why this was, but quickly dismissed the thought. 

     "I run a small business where I knit stuff," Was the answer Ink got. 

     "That sounds fun," Ink exclaimed. "What's it called? Could I visit sometime?" Error shook his head. 

     "It's closed for renovations," He simply said, ignoring Ink's first question. Ink deflated slightly at Error's curt answers, and decided not to press the subject any further. An awkward silence fell over the two. After a minute Error finally spoke.

     "Well, what's your job?" Ink jumped  slightly at the break in silence, but eagerly grabbed onto the opening. 

     "I work as a police officer of sorts," He chirped. Error looked mildly impressed. 

     "Are you working on any cases right now?" He asked. Ink found the question slightly oddly specific, but ignored it. 

     "Yes, actually. We are working on a case to track down some big time criminals. Me and my partner Geno, that is. They've already escaped us once, unfortunately, and we lack a lot of critical information."

     Error looked intrigued. "What kind of information?" He asked curiously.

     Ink shrugged. "Stuff like identities, hideouts, sources, allies. You know, like the important stuff."

     Error looked surprised. "You don't know their names or what they look like? How can you find anything about them?" 

     Ink laughed bitterly. "That's the tricky part," he said. "Anyways, moving on, any information on yourself you want to share?" Ink asked. 

     They began talking for the next half hour. Ink learned Error had haphephobia (the fear of being touched), knew how to knit and crochet, likes chocolate, and his favorite color is blue. Error learned that Ink had a giant, magic, paintbrush, was an artist in his spare time, could make some of his drawings come to life, had mono-phobia (the fear of being alone), and really, really, hated empty white places. As they were speaking, Error's phone chimed.  He skimmed over the message and cursed under his breath. 

     "I have to leave and meet up with someone," He hurriedly explained to Ink. Ink was baffled but he simply just nodded. 

     "Wait!" he cried as Error stood up. "Can I have your phone number?" he asked. Error looked unsure for a moment before shrugging and saying sure. Error took Ink's phone and input his contact information. Ink noticed it took a little longer than expected. Error finally handed Ink back his phone, and stood up. 

     "Bye!" Ink called. "Wait! We never ordered anything. " Error just laughed. 

     "It's fine," He said. "I don't really mind." 

     "See you later!"

     "See ya shorty."

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