Chapter 16

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*Few week tem skip*

     Ink was sitting alone in their shared office, thinking silently before being interrupted. Geno walked into the office falling into his chair.

     "What are you thinking about there?" he asked. Ink snapped out of his daze.

     "Oh, uh, nothing," Ink replied.

     "You've seemed kinda weird lately. Distracted maybe?" Ink quickly shook his head denying the accusation.

     "I don't know what you're talking about."

     Geno decided to change tactics to get Ink to spit out whatever he was hiding.


     "So, uh, you're 'friend' sounds nice," Geno said, leaning back in his chair. Ink had been telling him stories for a while of his 'friend' Error-of course without the name. Geno grinned at him.

     "He sounds like a bit more than a 'friend' though," He continued. Ink choked on a sip of water he had just taken and exploded into blush.

     "NOWAYMEANDERRORAREJUSTFRIENDSIWOU-" Geno held up a hand to stop Ink.

     "Woah, I need a second to process that," He laughed. "Ok, I think I heard you say something along the lines of 'No way me and Er-'" Geno suddenly stiffened and his eye widened. "Wait.  Error?" He asked, and Ink suddenly found the floor very interesting.

     "Ummmmmm... I didn't mean to say Error! I was speaking so fast my words jumbled and I meant to say-umm, uhhhhhhhhh..." Geno gave him a are you kidding me? look.

     "Jeez, you're a part of the police and you are an awful liar," he said. "I thought that it was just an interesting coincidence, but now you've convinced me otherwise. Who's this 'Error'?" He asked, narrowing his eye. Ink sighed, as he knew that attempting to lie his way out would just crash and burn. He braced himself as he spoke.

   "It's your brother."

A Dangerous Illusionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें