Chapter 7

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    "Where the hell have you two been?!" The slimy octopus skeleton yelled at Reaper and Error. His one blue eye gleamed menacingly, while his four slime tentacles were waving slowly behind him in agitation. "You have been gone all morning!" He growled, crossing his arms. Reaper grinned lazily.

     "Sorry, Nightmare," He shrugged. "We've been attempting a new...'experiment'. Guess we forgot to tell you."

     Nightmare instantly looked uninterested. "Well, just make sure it doesn't end up like last time you two tried and 'experiment'." He stated, exasperated. "I don't want to have to clean up your mess again. It took forever to track down and kill all 25-ish of the witnesses you left behind!" Suddenly a loud BANG rang through the house.

     "HORROR! DUST! I WILL END YOU!" Nightmare roared and ran into the other room, probably to strangle some of his minions.

     Error shrugged. "Well, I have some good headway on the mission," He said. "I've gotten some info. They don't know our identities or hiding place, and I may have sent all the data on Ink's to mine." Reaper looked at Error.

     "You got the easy one. Well, how did you manage to get the files?" He questioned. Error shrugged.

     "It was pretty easy actually, I just did it when he gave me his phone for contact info stuff," He said. "Ink's pretty gullible. What intel did you get?" Error asked. Reaper glared, playfully.

     "First of all, don't use big words to try to make me feel dumb," he complained. "Second, Geno is pretty secretive, so all I know is that to them, we're 'Glitch' and 'Scythe'."

     Suddenly Error's phone chimed. He glanced at his screen and looked to see who messaged him. It was Ink. Error furrowed a nonexistent brow as he read the message, before smirking and replying to Ink's text.


                                                               What do ya need shortstuff?

Dont call me that! >-<

Welllllll... aaaaanywaysI was wondering if you wanted to hang out next weekend :)

     Error debated it a bit before deciding nothing was wrong with that. However, he decided to mess with Ink a bit.

                                                                   Soooooo... Ur asking me on a date?

What?! No 0//-//0

                                                                                                     You sure bout that?

P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E. :/

                                           I dunno sounds like your playing hard to get

*sigh* Well are we meeting up or what?

                                                                                              Eh sure why not?

      Ink and Error said their goodbyes. Error sighed thoughtfully. In all of their interactions, Ink seemed very open and optimistic, clumsy even. Very different from the people he usually hangs out with. All of them shady. It was funny really. He was...entertaining. Nice to be around. It was actually kinda cu-

     Error's thoughts were interrupted by Reaper's coughing. He looked up at Reaper irritated. Reaper subtly gestured towards Nightmare who was now pacing the floors.

     "Are you done texting yet?" Nightmare asked sarcastically. Error glared, frowning.

     "Yes, and for your information, I'm going to be busy next weekend," he declared. Nightmare smirked.

     "Going out with your boyfriend?" Nightmare teased smugly.

     "Are you jealous because you can't seem to get one? Like how Killer keeps rejecting you?" Error taunted back. Nightmare growled in annoyance. Then abruptly he gave a triumphant smirk.

     "So you are going on a date," He declared triumphantly. Error sighed.

     "Look, I'm just going to meet with Ink, ok?"

     "Where?" Nightmare asked. Error realized he didn't know. Oops.

     "I'll ask him later," He responded instead.

     "Well, ok, I guess, just be prepared for the heist in four days. Wednesday," Nightmare demanded.

     "I can do the math, thank you," Error growled in annoyance. Reaper smirked, looking entertained at Error arguing with Nightmare. Nightmare just rolled his eyes and left, calling over his shoulder as he did so.

     "Wednesday. 11pm. At the bank. You two better be there."

     There was a moment of silence, before Reaper finally spoke up.

     "Well that was eventful."   

A Dangerous IllusionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin