It's Personal

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Hiccups POV
It's Monday morning I walk downstairs and feed Toothless who eats it hungrily but calmly, the sound of a floorboard upstairs are heard squeaking, making me smile knowing it was the twins because right in front of their door was a squeaky floorboard, I here them run down stairs they always race each other, Ruffnut runs in first, she turns round a points at Tuffnut "Ha!" She snickered only to fall to the floor as Tuff tackled her to the ground, I roll my eyes, when Toothless is finished he raises his head and stairs at the twins you were basically trying kill each other, he then turned to me obviously confused, "It's normal you will get it" I shrug at the dog who grunts in response he Ned trods towards me and falls on his side head on my lap, I gently stroke his soft ears smiling softly,
"Right good morning everyone!" A sleepy voice belonging to Ingrid said, "oh hey mum!" Ruff smiled letting go of Tuffs bright red cheek, she smiled and rolled her eyes at the twins, she then turns to me and gives a broad grin "Hey Hiccup! Hey Toothless" she says looking at the giant all of fur which was laying next me, "Is Fishlegs up yet?" she asks me I shake my hade making her sigh, it was always a struggle to get Fishlegs up because over the years he'd gotten used to sleeping through loud shouting basically his mother and father always shouted at each and while his dad never laid a finger on Fishlegs he did hurt his mother a lot, but just because she wasn't violent didn't mean Fishlegs dad wasn't mean to him. He would constantly fat shame him and tell him he wasn't good enough, Fishlegs was good though now he luckily never took those words to heart, he said me it was because his mother would always reassure him that they where lies.
After an hour Fishlegs was up, we'd eaten breakfast and ready to go, I grabbed the red vest Rachel had also given me for Toothess, it read 'Service dog working please don't pet' it kinda screamed ATTENTION in my mind and I wasn't exactly excited for the attention and questions I knew where gonna head my way.
I suck in a breath here goes nothing...

Astrid's POV
I get ready for school I walk down to see my father, Hoark, he is big man with blonde hair and thick beard he has dark brown kind eyes which look up at me and fill with love, despite his massive size it mainly just filled with stuffing as I always because he's like a big teddy bear, a softie, "Hey dad!" I grin, he grins back, " Hello Princess, your mother's just had to run an errand so I'm taking you to school today!" He announces, I nod my head and after eating I get in the car and head to school.
When at school I meet up with my best friend, Heather, "Hey! I barely saw you last week! What's with that?" I tell her,
"Oh sorry" she says sheepishly, "I made a friend with one of the new kids"
"Which one?" I ask,
"The tall blonde one, Fishlegs" I nod at her response remembering the husky blonde boy, we talk for a little while before we notice the sudden change in atmosphere, it's gone silent me and Heather turn round to see what's going on to see nearly everyone is staring towards the school entrance, there the new kids stand but that's not what they're looking at, by the lanky auburn I remember being called Hiccup, stood nervously head down with by his side an extremely fluffy looking German Shepard, they walk in school together and that's when my jaw drops at the vest the dogs wearing, 'Warning Service dog working please don't pet' why would Hiccup need a service dog?
"Oh no, I know that face lemme guess, you wanna know why one of the kids has a service dog" Heather asks arms folded, I nod and look back at the boy who is walking now towards the lockers, I follow him and when he stops at what I presume is his locker, I grab his shoulder making him jump and gasp, he turns around and looks at me with a weary expression,
"What's with the dog?" I ask bluntly I wince suddenly 'could of been a little more subtle in asking' I mentally facepalm he looks nervous now,
"I-it's personal" he stammers, he's obviously nervous and doesn't like the attention I'm giving him, I watch as the dog whine at him, I've watched a show on service dogs, don't they whine as a response when they sense there's something wrong with their owner
"I-I'm ok bud" Hiccup says patting the dog, he turns to go, "s-see you later"
I grab his shoulder again, "hey maybe could we hang out sometime?" I ask him he looks nervous at first then slowly nods, I smile, I'm going to hang out with Hiccup.
854 words

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