Chapter 23

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"Private school? And how exactly are you going to afford that?" Kaoru inquired.

To attend private school rather than public? It goes without question that it would be expensive. Considering our current housing situation, the prospects of attending a private school in the foreseeable future seems far-fetched.

As it is, we were cramped together in this small house. Utilities and food were pressing struggles that Haruto liked to ignore. I respect him working diligently for the household's sake, but he can't deny that there is a lot of pressure attached to being the sole breadwinner.

"Money is of no issue," Haruto replied coldly to Kaoru.

"Father didn't put you up to this, did he? I already dislike the fact that you're still in association with-"

"This isn't any of his doing, Aiko. I told you that I thought it would be beneficial for us. If we want to make it out there by ourselves, we need a formal education."

There was no denying that schooling would help us in our chances of job-hunting. Although, I'm not sure if I will still have the same opportunity as those two in finding employment... But it's still an accomplishment, right? Seeing as I'm being given this opportunity, I should be gracious and take it!

"The headmaster and I have been in contact. He seems to see potential in us after looking into our backgrounds."

"Are you sure it isn't just based on my family name?" I ask sarcastically.

"He's aware of it. But it didn't influence his final decision."

I still felt uncertain and slightly wavering, but there was no point in hesitating any longer. For now, I should just comply. Eventually, I would try to figure out how these opportunities are just popping up for Haruto. Private school and secretive business with my Father... How suspicious.

"We start on Monday, so make sure you're up bright and early. Oh, by the way, that means you're also back on Monday too, Kaoru."


Kaoru stood back momentarily perplexed. When it finally clicked in his brain, he jerked forward.


Kaoru's school huh. I recall that it is considered to be quite prestigious. I should consider myself lucky in that case. Apparently, only the wealthiest can attend it. Looking at our current state of finances, I guess this will make Haruto and I the black sheep. After all, Kaoru still has his own Father's backing. He is practically a diamond in the rough while living here.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Haruto narrowed his eyes threateningly.

"I don't think it's the best place for Aiko." Kaoru retorted with a clenched fist.

Upon hearing Kaoru's scepticism, I folded my arms in irritation. "And why is that?"

"... I just... I don't trust those guys around you."

I wasn't surprised by Kaoru's possessiveness. It was a given that he wouldn't want other guys looking at his fiancée. But he knows that he has to share me with other guys. He should've already accepted that fact when he agreed to come and live with Haruto and me.

The more I think about it, schooling might also open other doors for me. I might be able to find additional marriage candidates... Of course, I doubt that they will be able to compare to Haruto and Kaoru. But I need to remain open-minded on the matter regardless of personal taste.

By the time the first day of school arrived, I felt the butterflies flutter in my stomach. This was all so new. It's still hard to believe that I'm finally attending a proper school... Even when I put on the elegant black blazer and plaid navy skirt, I feel like I was just playing dress-up.

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