Chapter 8

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The moonlight shone through the thin panes of glass. The darkness that would otherwise envelope the room, was illuminated by several candles. The soft lavender aroma that came from said candles, lacked in dispensing me with any real fortitude.

No matter how hard I wished to rest up, I simply could not do it.

"Miss, why aren't you in bed already?"

"I'm having difficulty with sleeping. I thought the candles might soothe me." I quaintly responded to Haruto.

Haruto eyed the candles from left to right. After shaking his head, he proceeded to blow out each candle. He was quieter than a mouse tiptoeing around the room, not even the whimper of a whisper could be heard.

"H-Hey!" I retaliated.

It may not look like it, but it took a long time to light every single candle! The sooner I rest up, the better. I need to get as much sleep as possible, before meeting with Sanada-san.

Once the curtains were closed and darkness crept back inside the room, Haruto made his way towards my bed. He lifted the covers to usher me into the bed.

Sigh. Who am I to complain? I need to sleep anyway; procrastinating will do me no good. But I cannot deny that being put to bed like a small child is completely humiliating!

Gently slipping into bed, I fluffed up my pillows before shutting my eyes. Just as I was about to dissociate myself from the land of consciousness, I was taken aback when I felt the weight of another sinking into my bed.

What on earth?

Opening a single eye curiously, I felt my heart rate start to accelerate. Why was Haruto joining me in bed?

"Um, why are you..."

"We used to do this when we were younger, don't you remember?"

Oh, that's right. When I couldn't fall asleep Haruto would stay by my side until I could rest easy.

Taking a hold of me, Haruto buried my head into his chest.

He's so warm. Feeling myself cuddle up to him, I snuggled my head further into his chest, until I felt completely snug.

The last thing I could smell was Haruto's musky scent before I trailed off into deep sleep.

The aggravating noise of a high-pitched beep meant only one thing. It is time.

Gently untangling my legs and arms from Haruto's, I gently lifted myself from the bed. Carefully tiptoeing towards the dresser, I kept looking back at Haruto.

I'm surprised that he's still here. I guess he must've fallen asleep too. Nevertheless, I suppose this will work out in my favour. This means I won't have to be on the lookout for Haruto tonight.

After quickly changing into a dark jacket and a shirt dress, I made my way towards the front entrance. It wasn't exactly the most discreet disguise I was going for, but I had to make do with what I had in my wardrobe.

As expected, Sanada-san was leaning up against the door waiting for me. He looked a little jittery at first, I dismissed him of having any ulterior motives. Instead, I presumed that he was on edge because he knew how dangerous it for me to venture outside with anyone but Haruto. How naive I was.

"Miss Uchida, come let's go!"

"Where exactly are we going?"

Sanada-san eagerly grabbed me by the hand to drag me out the door. The gesture was unnecessary in my opinion, considering I came here out of my own free will, I had no intention of backing out. Why be so forceful with me?

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