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It's been a while... Hey, at least you know I'm not dead now, haha. I took a hiatus from writing because of issues in my personal life. But now I'm in a place where I feel as if I can take writing back up again. (took longer than expected, but better late than never I guess).

As I was looking back over earlier chapters in the story, I felt myself cringe (a lot). So here are my plans for the future...

Firstly, I want to make a couple of edits to the already published chapters of this story. Once that's done, I'll then pick up the story from where we last left off.

I would love to stick to a schedule like before, but I have doubts about whether I can actually be consistent. For now, I see three options...

1) Attempt sticking to a schedule

2) Release chapters in batches

3) Write a chapter then publish it straight away (keep in mind this option is probably the most sporadic one)

I'm unsure if anyone has a preference, so if you do, then please let me know in the comments. The speed at which I publish chapters will most likely depend on the engagement I get. If I know people are genuinely interested in reading the story, then I'll be more motivated to post more.

Since I'm uncertain of whether people still remember the story, I will probably post a quick summary of everything that has happened thus far, before I post the next chapter. Once that happens, I'll probably delete this post and replace it with the recap instead.

On a side note, I have also been trying to hone my writing skills. To do that, I decided to work on another story too. (It's another male yandere story hee-hee... So, when I've written an adequate number of chapters, I'll link it in the recap post too.)

Since most people say writing consistently is key to improving your skills, I figured that this was the best course of action. After all, I wanted to get to a better place in writing before working on this story again too.

So, having said that, I really hope you stick around. And again, apologies for not updating sooner, I'm going to try to do better in the future. Anyway, thank you all for voting, reading, and commenting. It really means a lot to me!

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