Chapter 14

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"You've done it now, haven't you!"

What a stupid girl! To compromise everything over the heat of the moment.

"No. It's not like that. My feelings are definitely real."

They may be real, that is true. But are my actions just? How do I know that this love I feel is reciprocated?

I made an abrupt halt. Looking at the nervous wreck of a girl in the mirror made me feel annoyed. Why am I torturing myself?

"It has to be reciprocated. He wouldn't just kiss me without any feelings... would he?" I asked myself with uncertainty.

Outstretching a hand to my reflection, I tried to reassure myself. I'm overthinking things. I'm putting unneeded stress on myself. I don't need this kind of baggage!

"The more I pace around in my bedroom, the more I start to overthink things. I just need clarification. I need to know what Haruto makes of us."

I just need him to tell me those three words.

Dusting my skirt off, I march out of the room and down the corridor. If I want answers, I must get them myself! I expect Haruto to be patrolling one of these corridors. I'll find him an I'll-

"HARUTO!" I shout commandingly.

Turning around anxiously, we make direct eye contact. As I storm down the end of the corridor, he opens his mouth to protest against me calling him by his name so openly. It doesn't matter to me. Before he can even get a word out, I shove him into one of the storage rooms.


"That's Aiko to you!"

"... You know I cannot be personal with you. Formalities are a must, what would your Father say?"

"Ha! You want to start talking about formalities now? I'm sure my Father would have something far more important to criticize if he knew about that kiss yesterday." I say mockingly.

Haruto shifts, visibly uncomfortable. He tries to explain himself. "I didn't want to upset you."

"That's not convincing. I know you feel something for me. You held my hand and we even danced together afterwards. That's far from platonic. I want to hear your true feelings from your own mouth!"

Haruto defied my expectations. I originally predicted him to stubbornly continue with this uncooperative charade. But he didn't. Instead, he engulfed me in a hug and nestled his face into the crook of my neck. I was initially taken aback by his actions. I could feel my pale face heat up.

"I love you. I really, really love you. I've loved you for a long time. But I know it's wrong."

"It's not wrong. I feel the same way too!" I attempted to reassure him.

"It's not wrong to us. But to anyone else? It isn't allowed. Your Father would never give us his blessing."

I pulled away from Haruto and cupped his face. Looking him straight in the eye, I confidently argued back with him. "I don't care what my Father has to say. I never have!"

Haruto looked at me hopefully, before hiding it with sad disappointment. "It's also not acceptable socially. You come from an elite socialite background and I'm just some orphan boy assigned to you as a bodyguard. My low status won't allow us to stay together."

Haruto sadly gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving.

I wasn't done. I'm far from done. As if I'm going to stand for this kind of outcome! I will not have another tragic romance, I refuse to do so!

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