Chapter 9

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For days upon days, I didn't move an inch from my bed. My food and studying materials were all delivered to me by Haruto. To my surprise, I ended up receiving many 'get better soon' presents. Not from different people, of course. They all came from Kaoru.

He was rather unconventional with his presents. I was running out of space in my bedroom as Kaoru insisted on sending me tremendous amounts of those blue snowbells I was so captivated by. It got to a ridiculous point where I had to ask Haruto to start burning the flowers he sent. It was a wasteful thing to do, but I was getting tired of these 'loving' antics.

Ironically enough, my own father did not come to visit me even once. He was perplexed about my current state of wellbeing, but not too concerned, considering he didn't even attempt to delve deeper into the matter. In any case, I didn't want to draw an ounce of suspicion to myself. So, I convinced Haruto to lie for me.

"Please Haruto, I'll never be trusted to leave the house ever again. Not even with you!"

I was grovelling on the forest floor before Haruto. You could say I was practically begging on my knees.

The shift of power between us made Haruto visibly uncomfortable. You could see it in his eyes. He hated being the one having the upper hand in this scenario. Power could be troubling when the decision you had to make could potentially ruin the lives of others.

Haruto crossed his arms and averted his eyes in frustration. "And how do you suppose we deal with Sanada-san?"

Truthfully, I had no idea what we should do. I would say fire him, but something told me he was far more dangerous than he let on. Perhaps surveillance was necessary on such a tenacious pest.

He also had a lot of information on my mother. Therefore, I might need him to learn more about her someday.

I guess that left me with only one option. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

"We do nothing."

Haruto stood there flabbergasted. He didn't want to adhere to my wish. But he knew it was futile to argue. I won't deter from my decision.

Taking a spoonful of the creamy broth, I gulped down all of the vegetables. It was nice to admire the skyline from the comfort of my own bed. A view like this isn't something you're always that lucky to have.

I had sunk further into my bed and wrapped the silky rose-coloured sheets around my body. I felt like I was rolling myself up in a taffy wrapper. I didn't want to leave my bed. I was practically stuck to it.

Taking great pleasure at the moment, I closed my eyes in pure bliss.


Not even sleep was safe for me anymore. The darkness only reminded me of that voice. In a panic, I broke out into a hot sweat and clumsily spilt the contents of the soup all over my bed.

I let out a high-pitched scream. The piping hot broth had burned my skin. I hated making a big scene about something so trifle, but I had only reacted out of impulse. Haruto is probably going to come rushing in now and worry about me.

Sure enough, he played exactly into those expectations.

Haruto came barging through the door in a feral frenzy. "MISS! ARE YOU OKAY?"

He quickly seized the arm I was desperately clutching onto. I tried my best to put on a fake smile to reassure him I was okay. But even an idiot could tell I was faking it.

"Come, let's run your arm under some cold water. I'll clean this mess up afterwards."

Complying with Haruto, I stood up from my bed. What I didn't expect, was to be princess carried by Haruto.

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