Chapter 25

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"Eh, Aiko..." Kaoru started. "Don't you think we have more than enough books?" Kaoru asked hesitantly as I placed another stack down on the table.

Perhaps Kaoru was right. Two stacks of books were probably excessive for one school project. But in my defence, my head has been in the clouds these past few days. It's hard to focus on anything knowing that my assailants have gone mysteriously missing this week.

"Well, better to be over-prepared than under-prepared!" I replied jokingly. "This report isn't going to write itself..."

As I sat down in my seat, I slowly shifted away from Kaoru. In truth, I felt slightly suspicious about him. I know for a fact that Haruto wouldn't involve himself with the boys after he gave me his word. But Kaoru? Well, there's no guarantee there.

As Kaoru's arm slowly went to reach over me, I gasped in response and sat further back into my seat. "Is something wrong?" Kaoru asked in confusion.

"I, uh..."

As I nervously dug my nails into my lap, I pleaded with the ground to swallow me up at that very moment. Why was I like this? Was I overreacting?

"Aiko Uchida, please report to the principal's office at once." A voice announced on the school intercom.


I looked at Kaoru in uncertainty, but all I was met with was shrugged shoulders. "Looks like you better go."

I had a feeling that something like this might happen. But still, I didn't expect it to happen THIS quickly! With one last sigh, I rose from my seat and silently left the library.

As I approached the door to the principal's office, I started to shake my arms out as to pump myself up in advance. Once I got all the nerves out, I cleared my throat before I slowly opened the door.

"Ah, miss Uchida. Please, take a seat!" The principal beckoned as he pointed towards the empty chair before his desk.

As I made my way towards the chair, I tried to avoid making eye contact with the individuals standing idly by on the sidelines.

I was... wrong. My assailants were surprisingly still in one piece. But having said that, they were most certainly not okay. Their current condition was quite jarring if I'm being completely honest. They were covered in black and blue bruises along with bandages. To take a beating that bad... this wasn't your typical street fight.

As I diverted my gaze from the injured party, I looked to my right to see Shinya standing there awkwardly. Why is he here? He only reported the incident, so is it truly necessary for him to be involved in further affairs?

"It has come to my attention that a certain incident had occurred last week." The principal started. "Let me assure you, the school has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual misconduct."

The principal turned to look at the boys with venom in his eyes. "I think it goes without saying that you two will be immediately expelled." The boys shuffled as they looked at each other in alarm, but they didn't try to argue with the principal's decision.

"Now then, miss Uchida, I'm sure these two have something they wish to say to you."

The brunette spoke up first. "I'm sorry for attempting to assault you. I feel... very ashamed about my actions."

I wonder how long he spent preparing that line. My guess? Five minutes in the mirror max!

The bleached-blonde boy kept silent. It was only when the brunette nudged him that he finally broke his silence. "I'm sorry too." He said in a sarcastic tone.

Weak! Unbelievably weak! He didn't even try to make it come across as heartfelt. Ugh, I'd rather not get an apology at all if it isn't sincere...

I merely rolled my eyes in response and added a simple "mm-hm."

Once we had all said our piece the boys were dismissed from the office. However, I wasn't free to leave just yet. "To avoid any future incidents like this, I believe it would be best for you to not be left unaccompanied in the foreseeable future."

Oh really? Well, it's a good thing I have my own personal bodyguard for times like this!

"Which is why I believe you should sit in with the student council during your study periods."

SAY WHAT??? C'mon, you're basically stripping me of all my breaks now!

"Mister Watanabe here will see to it that you can properly adjust to the student council and school life here." The principal gave Shinya a reaffirming nod. "Think of him as an advisor."

Once both Shinya and I were finally excused, I wanted to stomp my feet on the ground. I don't want to join the student council, from what I heard it involves a lot of work! Why can't I spend the extra time with Haruto instead...

"It looks as if we'll be seeing more of each other from here on out," Shinya commented.

I plastered on a fake smile as I decided it was time to concede and embrace my cruel fate. "Please, take care of me, senpai."

I hated saying these types of formalities because in truth it felt cringy. But I had to suck it up for the sake of societal expectations.

"Aiko, are you done now?" Kaoru asked as he caught up to us.

Ah, I almost forgot about Kaoru. Not only that but I also thought he made those boys go miss- Actually, wait. He still could've had some kind of involvement in the matter so I shouldn't declare him innocent just yet. It looks as if I'll need to keep a closer eye on him.

"Hey, Kaoru..." I started. I had a plan. A subtle plan at that. "Do you want to go on a date today?" I asked cheerily.

Kaoru blushed in response. "Y-You don't have to ask me twice!" He said while tripping over his own words.

"Great!" I said as I grabbed a hold of Kaoru's arm in a flirting manner. "How about we go and grab some ice cream at the place we used to go to as kids?"

As I dragged Kaoru away, I failed to notice my second warning. Shinya held his book open in front of his face shyly as he went to touch his heart.

"Why does she make me feel this way?" He blushingly commented to himself.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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