Chapter 16 (Mature)

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Author's Note: Sexual content, detailing intercourse ahead.

I wonder if this is the same thrill that so-called partners in crime felt? Although it was dangerous, there was this inexplicable rush from being on the run. If I was to be a fugitive with anyone, I'm glad that it was with Haruto.

I don't think I would be capable of pulling off such a risky feat on my own. Haruto was the man with a plan. He knew his way around the outside world better than I did. But I was still surprised by just how much knowledge he had.

"Once we turn down this alleyway we should be there."

The alley was dark-lit. It screamed danger. The grimy walls and filthy pavement were littered with rotten grub that produced a foul odour. I had to hold my nose just to block it out! It was as if I was holding my breath underwater. Considering the heavy downpour from above, I might as well be wearing a swimsuit. There's no doubt that I'll need to strip myself of these wet clothes the moment we reach our destination.

Once we reached the end of the alleyway, I felt Haruto come to a halt. He squeezed my shoulder in reassurance, I nuzzled in closer to his hold, to steal any ounce of warmth I could. Looking up, I had to squint my eyes from the blinding pink neon lights. 'Midnight Hours'.

I see... This is what they call a love hotel, isn't it? I felt myself gulp at the implication of what staying a night in here entailed. I never took Haruto for someone so forward with their desires. I guess there's always more to someone than you know.

I look up shyly at Haruto. I bat my eyelashes not knowing what to say. Sensing that I wanted him to say something, Haruto spoke up. "I eh... I heard this place wasn't strict on who they let in. They give a lot of privacy. So, eh... yeah."

Was that his sole reasoning for choosing this place? I'm kind of disappointed now. I was hoping for something more. But maybe I should be thankful. We were able to avoid any awkward face-to-face encounters with the staff. I didn't even know you could sign in with a machine. Once it dispensed our room key, I smiled nervously at Haruto before linking arms with him.

Once we opened the door, I was taken aback by the room's display. We stepped into a tacky wonderland. The best way to describe this room is as this hi-tech futuristic pink explosion. It radiated chaos on the scale of flashiness.

"You can have a shower first. I'm going to get settled down."

"Do you want to join me?" I teasingly flirt.

Haruto pinches my cheek playfully in response. Is he not taking me seriously? I may have been teasing, but the offer still stands! I wish he realized that I didn't want to be taken lightly like some child.

I dropped my bag to the tiled floor with a thud, as I carelessly stripped myself of my soaking wet garments.

I'll show him! In most situations, this is the part where someone takes a cold shower to relieve themselves of any lustrous feelings. But that wasn't the case for me. Instead, I was having a piping hot shower as I battled my feelings of anger.

I needed to contain my annoyance. We are barely in the honeymoon period; we can't afford to start fighting already!

Once I was down rinsing my hair with the floral fragrances the hotel had provided, I was feeling more confident in myself. I knew I could take the reins. I'm a powerful woman! I could use my femininity to take control of the situation.

But looking in the foggy made me feel uncertain. Was I really capable of seducing someone? I'm not quite sure of that. I didn't exactly have the ideal figure of a supermodel. But I don't think that would matter a whole ton either way. I don't take Haruto as the type to be solely fixated on physical appearance. It's all about personality and talking the talk. Something I should be able to pull off, provided I don't get nervous.

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