Chapter 13

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February's night breeze felt refreshing. It was certainly obligatory if I wanted these feelings of lust to simmer down. Fresh air always seemed to be the perfect remedy for one's troubles.

Admiring the estate's extravagant landscape helped to clear my mind. It encouraged me to step out of my small bubble and appreciate the bigger world.

The wildlife in particular was something nice to take in. The glistening fireflies, for instance, had something captivating about them. Their small bodies would fight to live another day. The hardships they had to endure in this vast world was endless. I felt like I could identify with them.

Apart from the fireflies, I found myself perplexed with the enigma that was swans. I couldn't understand them. In the distance, they could be seen swimming in the lake alongside each other in couples. Something about them felt taunting.

They would settle down with one soulmate for life. They were famously monogamous. How I envied their freedom to choose. I hated to admit it, but I was stupidly jealous of these creatures. Why must I have restrictions placed upon myself on who I should marry? Not to mention, how many suitors I should have.

Nuzzling my face into my knees, I despaired. How futile it was to find true love here.

The solitary I felt soon faded away once I sensed someone else's presence. Beside me, Haruto sat down on the grass in a small thud.

"Fancy seeing you out here." He monotonously remarked.

Peering my head up, I rested the side of my face on my knees as I looked up apathetically to Haruto. "I was looking for you earlier."

"I was enjoying the punch... well I say enjoying but it was rather too sweet for my liking."

"Kaoru has a sweet tooth. I'm surprised he didn't spike it with alcohol."

Haruto looked at me momentarily puzzled. He then proceeded to crack a small smirk. "You do realize this isn't some school dance. Alcohol is being served openly." He chuckled.

Oh. I guess I still retained my previous adolescent way of thinking. It is kind of embarrassing. Surely, I don't come across as immature to everyone else here, right? I'd hate to stick out like a sore thumb!

Diverting my gaze towards the swans once more, I take in a deep breath. I don't think I can continue avoiding the big issue. It's about time I address the elephant in the room.

"We should talk... about what happening that day." I say with visible uncertainly in my voice.

Haruto sat up a bit in response. I could tell he was trying to formulate the right words in his head. I didn't want to hear the harsh reality, so I quickly imposed on his thoughts.

"I can't get it out of my head. I don't know why but... I didn't hate it. I think I liked it."

I timidly snuck a glance at Haruto, he was unmistakably blushing in his frozen state. As our eyes lingered for an uncomfortably long time, he closed his eyes and shook his head.

"O-Of course. Dancing is a fun activity. Many find immense pleasure in such a thing."

"No, not that part... when I fell on you. That's what I'm talking about." I explained frustratedly.

"It was your body's natural reaction. When two individuals find themselves in a compromising position like that, they tend-"

I piped up loudly in anger as I cut Haruto off. "I WOULD NOT JUST STRADDLE ANYONE!"

Oh my. I didn't mean to practically shout something so indecent out openly like that.

Haruto looked around anxiously to see if anyone overheard my outburst. Luckily, everyone was far more preoccupied with dancing inside.

Looking back at me, Haruto sighed in relief. "I believe you're feeling a little confused right now, Miss."

Imposing my face closer to Haruto, I made direct eye contact with him. "I am not. I am being honest with you right now. It took a lot of nerve to be open with you like that... so now it is your turn."

Haruto tilted his head as if to say 'hah?' He is a fool if he doesn't expect to be honest with me too. He owes it to me; I am just after opening my heart up to him.

"Miss... it doesn't matter what I think. I am ordered to protect you. I have to put aside any personal feelings and emotions I may have."

"Ah-hah! So, you do feel something!"

"That's not what I... Aiko. It's wrong."

Looking down to the grass dejectedly, I wanted to cry. I knew he was going to reject me. But it still hurts. Even if I prepared myself for this, the truth still hurts like a knife.

I look up to Haruto and muster a fake smile to hide the tears I'm holding back. "Yeah, I know... it was... stupid."

Before my voice cracks, I jump up onto my feet to run away. However, I am stopped from doing so. Haruto held a tight grip on my wrist. Not caring, I turn to him with tears streaming down my face.

"I get it, please just let me-" my voice was cut off by a pair of lips planted on my own.

The tears stop flowing. Instead, I stand there dumbstruck. I'm in complete bliss. As Haruto cups my face and draws me in closer, I sink into his arms.

Feeling the shadow of a figure from a window pass by, we quickly broke up the kiss.

At that moment, getting caught held no significance to me. Nothing could ruin this moment for me.

I look up to Haruto with a wide-eyed grin. Did I just find my own swan?

As Haruto is about to interlock our fingers together, we are soon brought back into reality by one of Karou's servants.

"The last dance of the evening is about to begin."

I look to Haruto who has hidden our intertwined hands behind our backs. He nods at me before wiping the tears off my face. He knows what I want to do.

Entering the hall, we proceeded to bow to one another, as we embarked on one final dance number together. We swayed along the floor in ease. I have never felt so happy in my life!

We were in rhythm with everyone else. Whoever was not dancing, watched in awe as they were impressed by our performance.

Everyone was supportive, apart from Kaoru who was feeling bothered watching some rodent dance with his fiancée, instead of him.

"They look pretty close." Naoki Sanada pointed out.

Kaoru turned around to face Naoki. "Who exactly are you? I don't remember inviting you."

"I tutor Aiko and Haruto."

"Is that so..."

"It is. You could say I know a lot about those two. More specifically, details of their relationship."

"Relationship? What exactly are you implying about my fiancée?" Kaoru demanded.

Naoki smiles to himself before leaning into Kaoru's ear. "I saw the two engaging in an illicit affair outside just now."

Kaoru shot his head back around towards Haruto. He smashed the glass of champagne in an instant. He didn't even feel the blood oozing down from his fingers. The fragments of glass piercing his skin felt non-existent to him. Instead, he was far more focused on another pain. An emotional kind of pain. He felt an overwhelming surge of rage.

He wanted to kill Haruto Kurosawa.

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