Chapter 12 (Mature)

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Author's Note: Light sexual content ahead. Also, I decided that today would be a double release, enjoy!

The drive to Kaoru's private estate was filled with an uncomfortable amount of silence. Haruto's gaze was focused on the window for the entire duration of it. And I? Well, between the twiddling of my thumbs and messing with my dark ringlets, I didn't do much either.

How I wish we had music playing to fill in the empty void. But I knew it wouldn't solve anything. I doubt we could even try to move past what happened.

When we arrived at our destination, Haruto stepped out first. He extended a hand as I exited the coach, careful not to step on the lacy trimming of my silky gown. I emerged wordlessly and gave him a simple nod in gratitude. I bet our driver could even sense the awkward atmosphere!

The times I've had the pleasure of visiting Kaoru in his own humble abode were scarce. Over the years I somehow managed to keep a general recollection of what the place looked like. But nothing could prepare me for the magnitude of it.

As a little girl, I always thought the place looked like a replica of Hampton Court Palace. If it is only Kaoru and his father living here, why was there a need for such a large house?

Times like these really made me humble myself. It made me realize how idiotic some rich folks were for shamelessly throwing their wealth about.

Much to my surprise, Haruto locked arms with me as he escorted me down the gravel path. Maybe there was still hope for us? Smiling to myself, my face was painted with pink dust.

As we approached the door, the wondrous sound of a live orchestra could be heard. This is it. I'll soon have to prove that my lessons with Haruto were adequate.

As we halted before the entrance, Kaoru could be seen by the door frame. He was impatiently scanning the perimeter for who I assume was myself. Raising a hand sheepishly, I caught his attention. Kaoru hastily raced towards me and planted a kiss on my hand.

"You look magnificent, Aiko. I knew the gown and necklace would suit you quite well."

I felt guilty for accepting his gifts, but I'd be a liar if I didn't admit he had taste.

With a free hand, I started to play with my fringe. While avoiding eye contact, I said "Thank you. You look quite... dashing yourself."

Longing and desire slowly crept upon his face. Much to my dismay, I could probably guess what kind of thoughts were running rapidly through his mind. None of which were innocent.

With desperation in his voice, Kaoru attempted to calm himself by clutching his chest. "Kurosawa-san, if you will excuse us, my fiancé and I need some alone time."

Haruto wasn't given much time to consider, let alone yield to Kaoru's wishes. Kaoru quickly got a hold of my wrist and dragged me away. I thought we were going to simply dance, but I was sadly mistaken. Instead, he led me down the corridor into a room I've never been inside of before.

The room in question was small and cramped. I never would have guessed he would take me to the cloakroom of all places! It was littered with coats and bags, all of which were sloppily thrown about. Not much care nor thought had gone into this room as it would seem.

Trying to keep Kaoru at arm's length, I gently push him away. "Why exactly have you taken me here?" I ask.

"I needed to be alone with you. You have no idea how hard it's been to restrain myself."

If nibbling my ear and attacking me with kisses were considered restraint, then you can consider me shocked. He did a poor job of carrying himself with composure. It's not like he was exactly subtle about his intentions either since our first date.

Before I knew it, Kaoru had hoisted up my gown and started to trail his hand along my thighs. With a quick 'ata-a-tat-tat' I attempted to shake him off. But it was of no use. Instead, he buried himself into the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply.

"I've been waiting so long for this."

Wait longer!

"I love you, Aiko."

I gulped in response. I didn't know what to say. Not that it was important, it wasn't like Kaoru would hear me anyway. He was far more focused on my body.

He proceeded to slip his hand inside of my delicate undergarments. The sensation of his cool hand wavering about, close to my hot and bothered lower region, made me whimper in agony. It felt teasing.

As he started to massage me, I felt myself unconsciously grind against his hand movements. I know the rational part of me didn't feel right doing this. I had no romantic feelings for Kaoru. But the pleasure he had brought on was making it hard to pull away. I wanted to feel more.

As I felt my honey secrete, Kaoru hungrily attacked my neck with kisses between teasing bites. I'm almost positive I would wake up with several hickeys tomorrow. I was panting feverishly in pleasure as I parted my lips in exasperation. I was in ecstasy.

Kaoru retreated from my neck and trailed a finger along my candy-kiss lips. Just as he was about to delve in and kiss me, we were interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

Not again! I was given even less time to compose myself upon disruption. Kaoru quickly pulled my dress back down and adjusted his collar. I nervously covered my mouth taking in what I just did.

I can't believe I allowed myself to get easily seduced yet again!

I didn't recognize the man who had entered. I'd assume he was one of the many servants Kaoru's father had hired. Whoever he was, it was irrelevant to me. Seeing as my escape route was wide open, I dashed out of the room to make my way back into the main event hall.

Catching my breath, I surveyed the hall for Haruto. I needed to return to his side at once! Feeling a tap on my shoulder from behind, I was beaming with a smile as I expected to see Haruto behind me.

"May I have this dance, Miss Uchida?" Sanada-san asked.

Not him. He's the last person I wanted to see right now. Particularly while I'm in this undignified state.

"I didn't realize the invitation for tonight extended to plebeians." I remarked with callous in my voice.

"I'm a friend of many. It wasn't just your father I was aquatinted with when I was young."

"Is that so?" I furrowed my eyebrow, not knowing what to make of this. I wonder who else he knows. But a trifling matter like this isn't of much importance to me. Instead, I needed to find Haruto. "I'm afraid I'll have to pass on your offer. I'm quite busy right now."

Not saying anything more, I walked off leaving Sanada-san to stand alone in the crowd. I didn't catch a glimpse of it myself, but I'm sure if I just peered back for a second more, I would have caught it. That mischievous look he had on his face

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