Chapter 6

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I never thought I'd see the day where I was the one who would be nervous about a date. I usually went with the flow. Go out have a good time and what happens, happens. I guess that kind of carefree attitude comes naturally when something like marriage isn't on the table. But even so, I suppose the concept of marrying young isn't unheard of. It still happens or I should say it did happen in my old world too.


I need to let go of my past. I can't move forward if I keep holding onto it. I'd rather let go and continue to grow as a person instead.

Becoming an entirely new person sure was daunting though. Looking at my reflection all I could see was a poser. Was this dress even suitable for someone of my calibre? The real me is in no way, shape or form aristocratic in the slightest. I'm just a con artist kidding myself.

"How are you feeling, Miss?"

Emitting a dispirited exhale, I lazily turn around to face Haruto. "Honest answer? I'm having second thoughts."

Haruto was briefly lost in thought as he sat on my bed like a philosophical thinker. He would probably spend more time scrutinizing the whole situation than I would. Deliberating what the best course of action was...

I'm sorry to say this Haruto, but I don't think the answer to life, nor my date will come to you right away.

Delicately placing my two hands on my waist, he directed me towards the full-length mirror. "I think you are going to be just fine no matter what happens." Haruto said reassuringly.

Looking at myself standing alongside Haruto, reminded me of why he was right.

I will always have Haruto by my side. If things turn sour, I know I at least have someone I can always count on.

Initially, being thrust into this Mad Max hellscape was something I still had trouble with wrapping my head around. But I think I've finally started to come around. I'm finally more prepared to take the whole world on!

Well, maybe not the whole world... but you know what I mean.

As much as I would like to procrastinate further, Haruto's lingering touch was starting to feel embarrassing. It's nice to occasionally pretend to be a princess standing beside her prince, sure. But if we stand like this any longer, I might just fool myself into believing we're an actual couple!

"Um... Kurosawa-san... I think I'm ready to go now."

Haruto simply nodded. Silent as ever I see. Acting all calm and composed like this is what makes him hard to read. I can't tell if he was able to pick up on the atmosphere of the room or not. I'm not sure if this is something, I should be relieved or concerned about. Oh well, I have more pressing matters to focus on.

I've never been to a private garden before. It reminds me of a scene I read about once in a Victorian romance novel. I would imagine you would begin the date off with a superficial cliché air kiss and a bouquet that would cost more than a poor man's Chardonnay. Then you would gossip about your lowly acquaintances and stir the pot to conjure up some gratuitous drama-


Okay, I might have gotten carried away there. This isn't a period drama, it's my reality now, so I should take it more seriously.

I know that gardens like these are usually kept in perfect condition, but this was simply well beyond my wildest expectations. The whole scenery was beautifully indescribable. There was something sad about only witnessing such beauty like this so late in my life. It's what I would call Mono no aware.

Everything about the garden was simply fascinating. The vines in the garden grew peculiarly unnaturally for one. It was like they had a mind of their own. They meticulously weaved their way in and out of the little white gazebo. Behind it, rows of luscious trees could be seen. They stood tall and proud which I found to be a bit intimidating.

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