Chapter 19

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My hands start to tremble as I desperately search for security. I clutch onto the neckline of my dress as if it were my own safety blanket. I was in a state of pure bewilderment.

The moment the police officers set foot onto the premise, the delicate glass castle we carefully crafted together had been shattered in an instant. We were no longer safe. Not here, nor out there.

I looked towards Haruto hoping he would know what to do. Do we try to make an escape? Or do we concede and reap the consequences of our actions? But alas, Haruto himself was unsure. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his eyes were subtly twitching. He knew we were cornered. The jig was finally up.

Knowing that it was of no use to protest, I grabbed a hold of Haruto's hand. He slowly turns his head to look at me with disconcert. Neither one of us wanted to say the words out loud, so I simply communicated it through a small gesture of a sad smile.


Looking around the once barren room, it was now filled with at least five police officers with guns pointed at us. They circled us like a lion preparing to pounce on their prey. I had the impulse to raise my arms in defeat and go along with them without any qualms. But I couldn't release myself from Haruto's grasp on my hand.

I diverted my gaze from the lethal machinery to redirect it towards Haruto. The struggle of not wanting to give up was evident on his face. He was grappling with his inner turmoil.

"Haruto." I cooed hopelessly.

I didn't wish to prolong this any further. It's time that I take ownership of my own actions. Even if that meant doing what I dreaded most. Returning to my Father's cage.

Just as I thought he was about to surrender, he pulled me into his arms forcefully. Wrapping one arm around my waist and another gripping my neck, I couldn't move a muscle.



I was taken aback by the sudden declaration. This wasn't like Haruto. The Haruto I knew would never threaten to hurt me. So why? Why is he doing this?

As I felt a light pressure being applied to my neck, I look up at Haruto sympathetically. I needed to know why he was doing this to me. He then proceeded to look down upon my poor fragile face and wink at me. It was subtle enough that I caught it from an up-close view. But not subtle enough that our spectators could spot the sly gesture.

Using the opportunity to spill some crocodile tears, I play along with the act and stutter. "P-P-Please... He's c-crazy!"

Everyone in the room shuffles in response. They await orders from their superior who is stumped in what direction they should take things. He finally decides to signal to his men to lower their weapons, and so, Haruto slowly removes his hand from my neck.

I omit a genuine sigh in relief. Now then, what route does Haruto plan on taking things from here on out? If possible, I hope there is a pacifist option we can take to resolve this whole ordeal. I'm not a huge fan of watching a live re-enactment of a shootout in a chapel.

"Sir, we'd like to settle things without anyone getting hurt. I strongly suggest you let the girl go before we're forced to take necessary action."

Haruto clicked his tongue at the statement. He slowly made his way towards the Chief with no intention of releasing me from his grip. At that moment, the Chief slowly reached his hand into his holster, preparing to draw his gun once more if needed. The rest of the officers were also itching to draw their weapons too, but alas they waited for the appropriate signal.

"I'm afraid that's not possible 'Sir'," Haruto says cheekily.

Does he know what he's doing right now? I'm almost positive that Haruto is in no position to act like this! We're lucky enough that we convinced them to lower their weapons. I'm afraid he's taking their civility for granted!

"In that case, we will have to-"

Just before the Chief finished his sentence, Haruto slammed his body into the officer on his right.

Due to the sudden manoeuvre, the officer's gun was set off and shot a bullet directly into the Chief's foot. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine myself getting entangled in a shootout like this! It was completely chaotic. I barely had any time to grasp what was happening.

Haruto on the other hand went about our situation in a completely calm and composed manner. It was almost frightening how well he knew what he was doing. Every little step he took appeared like second nature to him. From quickly dashing towards the wounded Chief to using said man as a human shield to sustain all of the bullets being fired at us.

Once the Chief served no more purpose to Haruto, we retreated towards the door with the corpse before throwing it forward. Once Haruto locked the door behind us, we proceeded onwards with our escape.

As I tried to keep up the pace, while being careful not to trip over the ends of my dress, I was panting heavily. Eventually, we made our way outside and Haruto was beaming with delight.

"We did it!" He shouted enthusiastically.

I for one, couldn't relate to his ecstatic sentiment regarding the incident back there. In fact, I was still in shock. I just witnessed a man get pumped full of lead. My dress was evidence of that whole altercation ever taking place. It was completely soiled with that man's blood. I felt myself becoming queasy with just the notion of my involvement in this.

I led that man to his death. He was just doing his job. I'm responsible for that chaos back there. I'm the reason why we even fled from home. I'm the one who ruined my friendship with an old childhood friend. I'm... the problem.

Noticing my slowing pace, Haruto eased from running to light jogging. "What's wrong? It's over now. I told you I'd always protect you."

I can't keep doing this. I can't keep destroying the lives of others for my own selfish wishes. That's not the type of person I want to be.

"Look, that guy's car is unlocked. I know a place we can-"


Haruto was puzzled. He looked at me for a second before trying to usher me into the passenger seat.

"NO!" I retorted.

"AIKO! Now is not the time for this! The rest of them will be out here any second now!"

"I can't do this anymore. We're just going to keep moving from place to place, aren't we? Well, I don't want to live a life like that!"

"It's not like we have a choice. It's either that or you go back to your Father!"

I hesitated in responding. Just as I mustered up the courage to speak, the remaining officers came running out of the chapel.

"Maybe it's time I start acting like a real adult."

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