Chapter 2

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As if I didn't embarrass myself enough already! To find myself in a compromising position like this, it's completely undignified!

There I lay on the ground, with my dress hoisted up in a risky manner. I believe this is what you call, fan service. Not enough exposure to witness an indecent shot of me. Yet, there was just enough material visible so that you could use your imagination to fill in the blanks.

How embarrassing! I thought to myself.

I clenched my eyes closed tight in response. Maybe if I pretended to not exist, I could really disappear. But as fate would have it, that wouldn't be the case. Instead, I felt the touch of a hand.

This was perplexing, to say the least. Lending someone a hand is usually seen as a kind gesture. But, based on Haruto's blank expression I'd say otherwise. In any case, this shouldn't be something out of the ordinary.

This kind of behaviour is standard for Haruto. Silent and reserved, yet he would always carry himself like the textbook definition of a gentleman. I'm almost positive that if Haruto resided in my former world, he would have a fan club dedicated to him.

As Haruto gently hoisted me up to my feet, I couldn't help but avert my gaze downwards. The velocity of the action wasn't subtle in the slightest. Perhaps I'm being too harsh by not even muttering a simple 'thank you'. It was never my intention to purposely discomfort Haruto by sending the wrong signals. I curse myself for being rude!

There's no one else to blame but myself for the uncomfortable atmosphere. But I fear that if we make eye contact, I'll babble nonsensically and make a fool out of myself. I already feel humiliated enough as it is. If possible, I wish Haruto would take the reins and clear up the tension in the room.

"I'm sorry for barging in here unannounced. I thought Miss would be dressed by now."

'Miss'. Now that's a title, that's hard to get used to. I don't even think my teachers called me 'Miss'. They probably called me a lot of names behind my back, given what happened. But Miss was most likely not one of them.

"Sorry, it seems like I've overslept. I'll be down in a few minutes." I graciously explained.

If I carry myself like the previous Aiko Uchida, no one will suspect a thing. Well, that's what I thought.

Haruto paused momentarily, he was taking in what I just said. I thought my excuse was standard. Was the original Aiko a notoriously light sleeper? From memory, I couldn't recall any unusual quirks. In that case, what did I say to make him pause?

"Forgive me, Miss. I just thought you would be dressed by now. Considering the fact that you're having breakfast with your Father today."

Ah, I see that's why. I don't usually have breakfast with Father. It's rare for us to even enjoy each other's company for long. It's understandable, given that his job requires that he is always on call. There's no guessing when he will have a moment to spare.

Since he's called on me to have breakfast together, that means he has something important to say to me. Father has a memorable pattern after all. As I recall, the last time we spoke was in regards to the subject of school. However, I can't say the discussion ended smoothly though.

In fact, I haven't spoken a word to him ever since. My childish antics were necessary, how else would I get my point across to him? Yes, I understand that it's dangerous for me to attend, given that I'm female in a male-dominated world. But that shouldn't stop me from living my life as a human being!

No matter how lavish this flat is, it is only superficial to the eye. No amount of silver and gold could amount to the irreplaceability that is 'living a life'. My previous life was unfortunately cut short, so why should I waste this second chance I've been blessed with? No matter how unfavourable my current situation is, I cannot stand idly by!

An awkward silence soon filled the room once more. Haruto and I just stood there fumblingly, not knowing what to do. I expected him to leave so I could get dressed, but he didn't show any signs of budging. I decided to clear my throat and speak up.

"Eh, I'll get changed now. So, I'll see you and father shortly."

"Miss, with all due respect, I think it would be best that I assist you."


"Considering how important this talk will be, I believe it's in your best interests that I help you look your best."

Was he insinuating that I'm not the best at dressing up? For a feminine woman such as myself to receive such an insult from a simplistic man, it's beyond degrading! I thought my feminine features were supposed to assist me in terms of charm. I guess it's true then, I'm nothing spectacular in this world either. And here I was hoping to become a wicked bombshell!

Sensing my insecurity, Haruto attempted to reassure me.

"I trust your sense of fashion, it's just your hair that I'm concerned about. Here, allow me."

Haruto promptly sat me down on my bed. I was surprised to admit that his reassurance gave me a small boost of confidence. After all, it's not implausible to say that I am competent in terms of fashion. In this world and the previous, I was known to keep up with all of the popular trends. I assume that's the reason why I don't have a personal stylist assigned to me. It's either that or my Father doesn't trust other men being close to me.

He ran his fingers gently down my long flowing locks. He then grabbed a golden comb emblemed with the finest bristles' money could buy and proceeded to massage my scalp. With a gizmo in hand, he brushed out any tangles he came across in my hair. Some may call caring for hair therapeutic. I, on the other hand, find it to be a hindrance.

I don't like having to regularly maintain it. It's verging the lines of being impractical at this stage. Why did I think it was a good idea to grow it out beyond my waist?

You could say it flowed like a river, akin to Rapunzel's very own hair. I guess that makes us more similar than I had thought. Long flowing hair and being practically locked in a flat that resembled a tower. Should I also consider my Father to be the witch's evil counterpart?


Nah. I still care for my Father, even if he can be controlling at times. Even if he doesn't show it, I know he has my best interest at heart like Haruto. Speaking of which, he is taking far too long in brushing my hair! Whether he's deliberately trying to be tender or not, my neck is starting to cramp up!

"Kurosawa-san? Are you almost finished?"

After he finished tying the ribbons on the left and right side of my hair, I was finally excused. It was about time too.

Haruto stood there for a minute, to admire his work of art. Supposing Haruto doesn't typically smile with his mouth, it was nice to see him smile with his eyes. This was our understanding. Our understanding of mutual respect.

"I'll prepare your favourite herbal tea as a treat. Don't take too long now."

Just like that, Haruto pardoned himself quietly. Herbal tea huh? Looks like I'm getting spoiled today. I suppose it's a good thing that he's getting me tea, heaven knows I'll need it. I'm afraid to hear what my father wants to talk about. Mother, if you're listening up there, give me strength for this lecture I'm about to face!

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