Chapter 11

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Being the clumsy and uncoordinated Buffon I was, multi-tasking came as a tedious chore to me. When my sole concentration was directed towards the dynamic symphony playing in the background, I fumbled over my own movements.

"You're dragging your heels again."

I can safely say that he's not the problem. No, Haruto's advice is undeniably good, I'm just a poor student. It's rather embarrassing for a girl such as myself to have two left feet when it comes to dancing. Who would have thought my bodyguard was a good dancer, but not me?

Stopping abruptly amid the music, Haruto grabbed my shoulders. "Your posture is all wrong too. Straighten up."

Even if I carried myself like an elegant swan, I'm nothing but an ugly duckling underneath. Who am I kidding? I could try to fool others with a dignified appearance, but I know I'll end up making a fool of myself when I dance.

I puffed my cheeks up and huffed in frustration. "It's hopeless. I'll never learn in time!"

"All you need to learn is how to properly waltz. One dance is all, then you can socialize for the rest of the evening."

Socialize huh? I didn't give much of a thought to that. On second thoughts, I don't think dancing will be my biggest hurdle. I'm not exactly well poised when it comes to mingling with others. Small talk is something in particular that I dread. When I attempt it, it always kills the conversation! And that's only with one or two individuals. I can't imagine prattling about in a sea of strangers!

Sensing my disquietude, Haruto intervened. "Stop overthinking it. You will do just fine. I'll be accompanying you for the entire evening."

But can you truly promise that? Do you hold any power against Kaoru in his own estate? I'd say beg to differ.

"We're going to try once more. Just relax and follow my lead. We will get there eventually."

Breathing in, I prepare myself once more, knowing I could potentially make a fool out of myself.

I remember hearing that visualization was something that could come in handy in these types of situations. If I project all of my thoughts into accomplishing this singular task, I can delude my brain into success. It sounds silly, I know. But maybe I shouldn't knock it until I try it.

I want to dance majestically and prove myself. I want Haruto to be proud of his teaching efforts. If I just do as he says, and become one with the music, everything will flow naturally.

I welcome the smooth, slow, and sinuous notes that elevate the tune. Softening my rigid body, I move accordingly with the rhythm. A box step here and a box step there. I allow Haruto to guide me. I follow each movement he makes in sync. And soon, we are both harmoniously dancing together.

"See? You're doing great." Haruto praised.

I must admit, we did make an enchanting couple. I don't think I could pull this off with any other partner. When I put my complete trust into Haruto, we swayed about in ease.

"It's all thanks to you." I joked. "I couldn't possibly do this without my great instructor!"

"I just picked this and that up. Nothing extraordinary."

"Don't undermine yourself. I bet you could lift me in the air and spin me around if you wanted to!"

He quirked the corner of his mouth up and crinkled his nose. He tried his best to humble himself in embarrassment, but I know he was more than capable of greatness.

"Come on! Spin me, I bet we could pull it off!"

As much as he wanted to hide it, Haruto himself was secretly glad. He caved in and stepped back to twirl me. But I think I may have overestimated myself a tad bit. I couldn't keep up with the motion and I ended up slipping over myself and falling directly onto Haruto.

Luckily for me, he broke the impact of my fall. I saw that coming when everything went into slow motion during my lapse of judgement. However, what I didn't anticipate was the position I'd find myself in.

I was ever so slightly held up above Haruto. I straddled him, as a single leg of his, separated my own two. Our bodies were closely moulded together, safe from his hands which held a handful of my breast lumps.

His clutch on me turned my entire face scarlet. Contrary to the lewd sight of us entangled together, his touch didn't feel erotic. I'm not sure how to word this, but I could tell I didn't hold any meaningless lustrous feelings towards him. Instead, I was experiencing this visceral and deep-seethed moment with him. Something I didn't know I had in me.

I could feel my own eyes twinkling with an inclination as I peered into Haruto's. I felt this inexplicable itch that I didn't know how to scratch. Trying to rationalize with myself, I attempted to snap out of it. But I was sucked back in when I saw what Haruto was intently focused on. It was my lips.

Surprisingly, I wasn't ashamed to admit that I followed suit in trailing my eyes down to his lips. They looked soft and fully kissable-


I knew I shouldn't be having thoughts like this, but in the heat of the moment, I did not care. I was a prisoner to my own taboo desires. The intimacy between us was undeniable. Our libidos were uncontrollable. He knows it and I know it too. We're the same, we're practically in touch with each other's feelings. No words were necessary.

As I felt myself lean into his fervid face, it all came tumbling down.

"Delivery for Miss Uchida!"


In an instant, we both looked up to face the door. We gave each other one more look before quickly fumbling up onto our feet. Haruto lowered his head, his hair deliberately covered his flushing cheeks. Not that I was exactly natural myself, I couldn't even force myself to turn around and face him.

Instead, I stood there nervously accepting the package the deliveryman had brought. He shot us both a cheeky grin before leaving wordlessly.

He saw everything. Yet, we didn't even notice him standing there. How inattentive were we to our surroundings?

I didn't attempt to break the ice. I don't think I was even capable of opening my mouth. Instead of that, my body subconsciously ran off towards my bedroom with the package.

Did I seriously just run off like that? I can't believe I handled the situation like that!

For the rest of the evening, I spent my time hollered up in my bedroom alone. I couldn't even bring myself around to admire the beautiful soft pink gown Kaoru sent me. Instead, I cursed myself for how I dealt with everything.

But despite all that, I didn't regret it. I'm not sure why, but it didn't feel like a mistake.

My only regret was that I didn't end up kissing him.


So, this marks the beginning of the romance between our male and female lead!

As the tags of this story do say 'r-18', I want to start writing the sexual content scenes. I didn't want to jump into anything right away because I wanted it to feel natural and gradual pacing-wise.

Everything from romance to yandere has been slow pacing so far. That's because I've been leading up to this point in the story. Expect to see more yandere behaviour from chapters 13 onwards.

If sexual content makes you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. Every chapter that will have sexual content will have '(Mature)' in the title. It's the best I can do as a disclaimer. Besides that, the only thing you can do is either skim it or brush past it.

Nevertheless, I appreciate each and every one of you who read the story, vote, and comment. It really makes my day!

Thanks for reading!

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