The Youngest Riddle

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"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans

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"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."
-John Lennon

"I love magic." I breathe watching as the window adjacent to us gets transformed into a whiteboard.

I realize that the twins were watching mine and Hermione's enamoured expressions with soft looks.

"Here!" Hermione places a whiteboard marker in my hand, after rummaging in her bag for a second.

I give her a weird look to which she blushes. "Do you like always have a-"

"Yes. You get used to it after a while." Ginny replies moving to sit in between Fred and George on the bed. Fred wraps an arm lazily around his sister.

Hermione looked way too excited for this history lesson and I blink.

"Hope I don't let Mione down," I grumble, making Cedric bark out a laugh.

"She's learning something. Don't worry." He pats my shoulder, moving to stand beside the twins on the bed. Ron and Hermione stay seated on the floor.

I move drawing three circles. "Does everyone know the Peverell brothers?" I muse. The only person who doesn't nod is Hermione.

"Who are they?" She asks and I nod. "Okay so their stories are in one of the older wizarding children stories The Tale of the Three Brothers. " I explain and George nods.

"Yeah. It's a short story, Mione." He says. "Basically the three brothers were walking along one night and they reached a river too wide to cross by non-magical means." George starts to say.

"They used magic to cross the river and Death got pissed off because so many weak arse people died when trying to cross it and they basically cheated their way across." Ginny continues.

"So death tried to screw them over, pretending to be impressed." I continue, stopping when Cedric takes over the story.

"Death offered the three brothers one gift each. The eldest brother asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence. Death granted his wish by making him a wand from a branch of a nearby elder tree standing on the banks of the river." Cedric explains. "Hence called the Elder wand. The most powerful wand supposedly in existence."

"What about the others?" Hermione asks, eyes gleaming as she digested all the new information. Fred continues this time, his tone bored.

"The second brother, an arrogant man, chose to humiliate Death, and asked for the power to recall the deceased from the grave. Death granted his wish by giving him a stone picked from the riverbank." He replies like he had the story memorized.

"The Resurrection stone," Ron tells his friend and then finishes the story of the brothers. "The third and youngest brother, who was the most humble and wise, did not trust Death and asked for something to enable him to go forth without Death being able to follow. So Death handed over a part his own Invisibility Cloak."

Hermione mulls this over and then looks up at me. "What has the story got to do with Harry and He who must not be named?" She asks me.

"It's just a child's story though." Ron scoffs, trying to interrupt, and when everyone sees my grim face, he pauses. "Right Lex?" Ron asks me again and I shake my head.

"It's not just a child's tale you guys," I admit.

"These are the three brothers," I state pointing to the three circles I'd drawn.

"Cadmus is the second brother who had the ring. That family descended all the way to the Gaunts." I draw a line writing in the labels. "The Gaunts are Riddle's family from his mother's side. His father is a muggle. Tom Riddle has the Resurrection stone inherited to him by his uncle, who he killed to get the ring by the way." I muse.

I look down to see Hermione taking notes and I smile in amusement.

"Harry is from the Potter family. He descends, by his father's side, from the third brother. That's why Harry has an invisibility cloak. He has one of the Hallows." I explain, making them all gape.

"Wait-...." Ron freezes, trying to decipher all this information.

"Where's the Elder Wand then?" Ginny muses. "If all this is real hypothetically." She gives me a look.

"I'm not telling you guys." I smile at them.

"What why?!" Ron demands, standing up.

"Because you idiot... Voldemort wants the wand. If any of you are kidnapped he will find out the location of the wand in seconds, just by reading your minds." I muse, unimpressed by his egotistical nature.

"Distinct cousins then," Hermione mutters, standing up and analyzing the drawing further.

"Shouldn't the Order be aware of this?" Cedric asks, staring at the words I'd written.

"This information won't help the fight at all. It'll help you two though." I muse, pointing at Ron and Hermione.

In my head, I knew this would help them avoid going to the Lovegood's estate in a couple of years but I don't think I could do anything about them getting kidnapped by snatchers and tortured by death eaters.

"ALEXA GET YOUR ASS DOWNSTAIRS!!! SNAPE IS HERE!!!" I hear Sydney scream up.

I smile, rolling my eyes at her dramatics. "It was nice meeting you all!" I grin at them all. "Ron, Hermione write Harry a letter or so help me god." I threaten them and then I point at the board. "Oh. Also erase that, please. And anything in here is to be kept between us and not written in letters Ronald Weasley." I glare at the redhead. "Tell Harry everything face to face," I warn them and then leave the room with a wave, laughing to myself silently when I heard Fred whistle.

"Damn that girl is wicked cool."

"Spread love everywhere you go

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"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."
-Mother Teresa

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