The Youngest Malfoy

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"Three things in human life are important: The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind."
– Henry James


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I wake up the next day and put on some of the clothes that Snape had gotten me. It was mostly black to match my eyes and I found myself appreciating him much much more.

"Guess it's not a dream," I mutter to my reflection in the mirror, watching as tears whelm in my eyes. I wipe them quickly trying to breathe.

No one but Sydney had ever cared enough to get me things and she could only afford it on my birthday. I was the only one that cared for her as well.

I wash up quickly and put on the new shirt and pair of jeans, along with some huge fluffy slippers Snape had gotten me.

I wander aimlessly into the kitchen and see Snape reading a letter, an owl perched to the side.

"OH MY GOD!!!" I screech and like a bullet I was standing beside Snape, who looked like he just had a heart attack. The owl did too actually.

"YOU HAVE AN OWL!!!?" I shriek and Snape sighs.

"Yes. I'll get you one of your own soon but you can use Liliana currently." The name makes me eye Snape slightly, but I smile softly at him, nodding and then hop up on the table to grab the owl in between my arms.

"AHHHH SHE'S SO CUTE!!!" I squeal.

"Inside voice please," Snape demands, going back to reading his letter.

"What's that?" I ask him, petting Liliana who was loving all the attention as the beautiful reddish owl clambers onto my shoulders.

"Your adoption papers. You are officially, as of today, Alexa Snape." He answers, eyes wandering up to see my reaction. I smile at him, petting Liliana.

"Awesome! Can I call you dad?" I ask and if he'd been drinking something, Snape would've chocked.

He stares at me wide-eyed, looking like he was having a stroke.

"It's okay if you just want me to call you Severus. I've never had a dad before so I just thought maybe I could-"

"Of course you can call me that." Snape sighs, moving up to pat the top of my head affectionately. "Might take me some time to get used to it though." He mumbles to himself.

I grin and leap at him, hugging him tightly. "YAY!!!" I scream thoroughly surprising Liliana who flies away hooting like she was annoyed.

Snape barely manages to catch me and he rolls his eyes, hugging me back.

"Alright. Alright. Shouldn't we go get breakfast?" He asks me and I nod.

"Also groceries. You have nothing in your fridge dad." I say. We stare at each other silently when I say it, gauging each other's reactions. Snape finally smiles small and nods.

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