Blooming with Adversity

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- You keep a lot to yourself because no one understands

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- You keep a lot to yourself because no one understands.

There was something enchanting about standing on the platform of the school you've always dreamed of going to.

I was utterly confounded.

Not to mention that I was completely and utterly gaping at the scene in front of me, my mouth open in wonder.

"You will catch flies." A voice chuckles from behind me and I whirl around to raise a brow at Fred Weasley.

"Sup Red Hot?" I grin at him and it takes him a second to recover from the mental brain fart I just handed him.

"Wait WHAT?!!" He screeches, " You need to stop calling me that!!" He demands.

"Nah. I like making you flustered." I muse, staring up at the castle in enchantment.

I could feel Fred's gaze on me and I turn to look at him with questioning eyes.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He asks and I nod.

"I feel like I'm in a dream," I admit. Someone wraps an arm around my shoulders and I look up to see my cousin grinning down at me.

"You're not dreaming cousin." Harry says using his other hand to wrap me in a side hug.

I hum at his words, not expecting him to understand the severity of what it meant for me to be standing on this platform.

I'd read about this time and time again. Not to mention the movies.

This wasn't some case of a muggle learning that magic existed in their world. This was me existing in a whole other world.

My head lifts to gaze at the castle, a sort of nostalgia in my eyes. The castle was just as majestic as I'd dreamed it would be.

My feet start forward and it wasn't long before I was running, freedom nipping at my heels and excitement bubbling in my veins.

"I'M IN HOGWARTS BITCHES!!" I scream, laughter gurgling in my throat as I raced towards the carriages.

"ALEXA!" Harry bursts out laughing and he races after me, Ron, the twins and Hermione on my tail.

I skid to a stop, my mouth wide open in awe as I stared at the sight in front of me.

It was a Threstral.

I stare at it, for once in silence.

I'd seen too many deaths to count.

So I expected to see this winged skeletal magnificent creature. I just didn't except how brutal of a hit, emotionally it'd give me.

"Alexa? What- What are you looking at?" Hermione asks, her eyes knitted in concern.

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