Chapter 50

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Chapter 50: To be loved, and to be in love.

It happened when they were all sitting around in the music room.

Harry had wanted to practice at 7 in the evening, and no one objected since, you know, everyone was really excited now.

Liam was practicing his falsettos absentmindedly, like he always did, as he went through some of the new songs they had come up with. Zayn was hanging off of Louis, his arm around the older lad's shoulders, both of them laughing about something quietly; and that's when Niall turned to look at Angelina.

Who somehow always looked around the music room in awe. He watched her as she walked around the room, looking at all the instruments and the microphones, oblivious to his gaze. She was walking past the wired microphones and their stands, when she slightly tripped on one of the wires, making the mic almost fall off and hit the ground with a thud, but before that could happen, she gasped, quickly getting ahold of the mic before it fell, sighing in relief as she managed to not make a sound.

She looked up at Niall then, the mic still in her hand and her eyes so wide, Niall laughed fondly, and that was it. That's when he knew. He really really loved this woman.

He had smiled a little at the realization. Finally, he understood what he felt for her. But his smile soon turned into a frown when he realised that he didn't know if she felt the same way. That, and the fact that they were leaving in two weeks.

The reunion announcements had been made, twitter had successfully crashed, tickets had been sold, everything was ready and so so grand. Niall couldn't wait to step foot on stage. They made it into every single tabloid that had ever existed, and the hype was unreal.

Now Niall was walking out of his room, shaking his head to shake off the memory, as he walked down the staircase, running into Angelina once again as he entered the kitchen to get himself a glass of water.

"You want some?" She asked him, her mouth half full of chips and he smiled, albeit a bit sadly, and shook his head, making her shrug.

He didn't want to leave her. He had finally found love. He could imagine himself writing songs about her. He couldn't just leave.

Niall frowned, quietly walking out of the kitchen, biting his lip because now that he knew that his feelings for her weren't platonic, he wasn't very sure if Angelina looked at him in a similar way as well.


Niall was acting unusually. Angelina didn't want to be an obstacle in their already successful reunion tour that hadn't even started yet, and so, she resorted to just being happy for all of them and not thinking about her feelings at all. It was for the best. Feelings made everything complicated, and she had no right to take away their happiness at such a time.

But the point still stands that Niall was being weird. He kept giving her sad smiles and soft gazes that made Angelina think. What was it that Niall was thinking? Was he okay? She knows that he was extremely stoked for the tour, so then what could it be?

"Woah, sorry," she apologized, running into someone who turned out to be Zayn, and he smiled, shaking his head, as he steadied both of them on their feet by putting his palms on her shoulders.

"It's alright," he said, and she smiled up at him as he let her go, continuing on his way to the music room as Angelina bid him goodbye.


"Angel, please talk to him," Sonny pleaded over the phone, and Angelina let out a loud sigh, sitting down on the bed.

"Sonny, you're not understanding my point of view! This is a band reunion; it's a big deal! I can't just barge in with the 'Hey Niall, guess what? I love you', really?" She rolled her eyes, annoyed, frustrated, and just so so confused.

It had been a while since she had known, because she was able to differentiate between the "i love you"s she wrote to him on Twitter as a fan, and the "I love you"s she thought of every time she saw him now.

Angelina had fallen in love with the man she now knew. Not the celebrity, not the successful singer-songwriter. Just Niall.
Everytime she looked into his eyes, she got lost, and everytime he tried to be funny, she felt endeared. It sounded cheesy, it really did, but even if she pretended with her smile, even if she tried to keep out the fondness in her eyes, her heart couldn't lie.

"Babe, I understand, okay? I do, but if you don't sort this out, you can't possibly move on! And I'm not saying that he wouldn't feel the same way about you, I'm saying that if we never talk to him, we'll never know, and knowing you, that's going to eat you alive," Sonny expressed, her voice breaking at the end, making Angelina bite her lip. She was being serious.

Angelina was just about to reply, when she heard a knock on her door.
"Hey, Sonny, I'll call you back, okay? And I'll think about what you said, promise," she heard Sonny mumble a goodbye and something that sounded exactly like 'don't be fucking stupid about this' before she hung up.

Angelina laughed at her best friend's brutally honest nature, but she was grateful to have someone who didn't tolerate her bullshit, supported her all the same, and told her immediately if there was something she was being difficult about. Like now. Angelina Matthews was in love with Niall Horan.

Now what? Maybe she should just tell him. But she felt like that would be taking his focus away from what was more important, the more important thing being the reunion.

"Leena?" She heard, and she startled, her eyes wide before she realised that someone had been knocking on her door. And turns out, that someone was Niall.

Wonderful, she thought with a grimace.

Standing up, she walked towards the door and opened it slightly.
"Hi, can I come in?" He asked politely, and her heart melted.

Awwww she wanted to say out loud and pull his cheeks.

He cleared his throat, making her blink, before she smiled abruptly, opening the door wide enough so that he could come in.

"I was thinking we could watch a movie," Niall spoke up, making Angelina raise an eyebrow at him from where she was standing, still clutching the edge of the door.

"A movie? At 11 in the night?" She questioned, and it wasn't like she minded (she didn't mind at all), but she was still curious.

Niall sighed, running a hand through his hair, a habit that somehow everyone had managed to pick up from Harry.

"Yeah, a movie," he said, offering no explanation whatsoever, and Angelina frowned slightly, smiling in a confused manner, but when Niall didn't say anything else, she sighed, nodding her head and following him into the room.

Movie night it is then.


there we go, two updates in a row (i know, i'm surprised too)! until next time :)

oh, and quick question: are any of you on stan twitter?

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