Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Misunderstandings.

Cameras flashed and murmurs passed, Angelina tried her best to hide her face into her scarf as Niall pulled her into him.

She didn't want to be a part of a hopeless rumour. Nor did she want Niall to get into trouble.

Paparazzi. Always here to ruin a good day.

Niall thought.
"What are you doing here right now?"
"Where are the other band mates?"
"Who is this girl?"
"When is the break going to get over?"

They asked.

Niall raged inside. He never liked media interrupting something he did or somewhere he went. But he couldn't show his anger on TV.
That would spread faster than fire.

He wanted to push past them and rush towards his car to drive off.
But he couldn't. Not without giving these people an answer. If he ran off, everything could get worse.

And he was the one to blame anyway. He was offered bodyguards to take with him, but trusting the town, he went alone.

So he stopped struggling.
And just stood there.
"We're here for a mini vacation." He said.
"For how much time?" A reporter asked, pushing past the rest to get a better view.
"We've not decided yet." He said, shrugging as he gently pushed Angelina behind him.

"Where are the others?" One asked.
"Um, at home?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows.

What kind of a question is that?

"Yeah, home. Now please, if you could move. I'm getting late." He said, purposely not involving Angelina in any way.

"One last question!" Somebody asked from the mob that had formed.
Niall behaved like he didn't hear the person and pushed past all of them.

He opened the car door for Angelina and she rushed inside.

He ran towards the other side of the car and got in.

"That was rough." He sighed and chuckled, breathing freely for the first time in minutes.

He looked at Angelina only to find her looking down at her hands.

Angelina was the cause of all of this. If it was in the news tomorrow, there would be a rumour on Niall and she would be the cause.

If she wouldn't have uttered a single word about being bored, they would be at the penthouse, a lot more at ease than they were.

She hated herself for that.

I'm just going to slap myself until it's too much.

She thought. Yes, it was stupid thinking this way when Niall didn't even blame her, but she knew. She knew he thought that it was her fault.

If I wouldn't have met them at all, things would have been simpler. No drama.

She thought. It was great meeting them– like a dream come true. But after that, she couldn't get too close to them, they would have to leave her anyway.

Niall didn't exactly know what she was thinking. But he had a clue.

She was blaming herself for this. Angelina was easy to read. Like a book. And at that moment, she was regretting everything that had ever happened.

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