Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Hugs and kisses.

The boys were talking among themselves while Angelina stared at them. Not the 'staring' staring but like she had to blink and pinch herself, how much ever she pinched, it was never enough.

It might seem a lot but just imagine dreaming about meeting your favourite band and then the same day, they surprise you and you meet them just like you thought.

Niall came walking towards her.
Oh, and how could she forget, meeting her celebrity crush the same day. All this, in one single day. Wow.

"So I'm guessing you'll want the picture we clicked?" He assumed.
"Yeah..." she said and feeling a sudden surge of confidence in her, she added," Is this your subtle way of asking a girl for her number?" She asked and grinned knowingly.

He grinned back at her. Angelina's breath hitched as he came close and whispered in her ear,"Correction. Not a girl's number, the girl's number." He said.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

Wait, What did that even mean?
What's the difference?

Getting her out of her trance, he said," And confusion looks cute on you."

In this very complicated conversation, Niall had discreetly taken the phone from her hand and dialled his number, giving her his number and taking her's in return.


He thought as he walked away, leaving there a very confused and clueless Angelina.


The first thing Angelina did after getting back home was call her best friend.

Sonny, though she didn't like 1D, always listened to all the gossip Angelina had about them.

"Hey." She said, picking up the phone.
"You won't believe what just happened!" Angelina exclaimed, making Sonny cower a bit.

"What, you are acting like you just met them." She said, sarcastically.
"Well, I just might've." Angelina replied, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
"What!" Sonny couldn't believe her ears.
"They were there, in the green room, to surprise me! Can you believe that?" She said, pacing around her room and stopping in front of the posters once again.

"Woah, this talk can't be done on the phone. We are meeting tomorrow and you are telling me everything." Sonny decided.
"Yeah, okay!" Angelina squeaked.
"Did you wear the outfit I had taken out for you?" She asked.
"Yeah..." Angelina said, rolling her eyes even though Sonny couldn't see it.
"Hey, don't roll your eyes at me!" Sonny said, from the other end.

Knew me too well. She thought and chuckled lightly.

"How was the dinner?" Angelina asked.
"It was... edgy." She replied.
"Why? What happened?"
"Well, Dad got angry at Drew for not coming home on time yesterday and Drew obviously argued back...They calmed down eventually but there was a lot of tension in the air." She said.
"Oh, take care. Everything will work out fine." Angelina said, trying to comfort her best friend.

Drew was Sonny's brother who was two years older than them both. Her brother and Dad didn't have a very healthy relationship.
Angelina still always tried to reassure Sonny that everything would be fine.

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