Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Meetings and greetings.

Angelina was sitting at her desk for the past one hour. She had lots of home work to complete but her mind was not letting her.

She was literally relating random things to Niall.
She looked at the white coloured paper she was supposed to write on. And it reminded her of the T-Shirt Niall was wearing yesterday.
She looked at the blue coloured pencil in her hand and instantly, she was reminded of his eyes.

She never knew her liking for him could increase and become more than it already was. But now, she stood corrected.

Meeting him, really did affect her emotions.
She was lost the whole time –Lost in her own thoughts.
She kept checking her phone for any messages from his side.
She, at one point, had even thought of sending a normal Hey but she didn't want to appear too desperate, even though she was.

She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself because only thinking of him overwhelmed her now.

She dropped the pencil that she was holding and covered her face with her hands.

I will surely go crazy if I'm not able to control myself.
She thought.

Okay, no more Niall. Only and only studies.

She decided.

Just then, she heard a ping sound from her phone. And how much ever she decided to not let him get to her, she jumped for her phone and checked who it was from.

It was from him. From Niall.

Oh god, kill me now.

She thought. A text message from him got her to behave like this. That's ridiculous.

She checked his message.

From: Niall
Hey Lina. Are you free today? Around 3?

It said.

Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.


Calming herself, she replied in a casual way. Or at least she tried to.

To: Niall
Yeah, I guess. Why?

In not even a minute, she got a reply.

From: Niall
One, Cheryl wants to meet you.
Two, we all want to see you too.

Oh, holy crap! They want to see her again, meaning he wanted to see her too!

To: Niall
Oh, okay.

From: Niall
Hey, don't get nervous. Cheryl won't eat you. And you've met us. It's not even that big a deal.

To: Niall
Really? It's not a big deal. Sure.

Niall laughed as he read the sarcastic remark he got in reply. He already loved texting her.
"Hey, what's the joke?" Harry asked, entering Niall's room.
"Oh, nothing." He replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"I bet my shoes, it's Angelina." Louis said, entering the room, right behind Harry.

Harry looked at Niall with his eyebrows raised.
Niall didn't say anything, just hid his face a bit.

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