Chapter 44

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Chapter 44: Falling In Love.

"You started it. Now you are the only one who can end it, mate." Liam advised.
"But I was just toying with him!" Louis whined, pouting.

What a mess he had created.

But he didn't want it to go this far!

"Yes, go talk to him, Louis." Cheryl supported Liam.

"But are you really telling me that he was jealous?" Angelina asked for the third time now.

It was really hard to believe. She couldn't help it.

"Yes, Angelina. He was jealous." Louis repeated for the third time too.

Harry was trying to lift Niall's mood up.

And Sonny and Zayn...
Angelina didn't know where they were.

"So, you mean I'll go talk to him, say that I'm sorry, and hope that he'll forgive me?" Louis summed up.
"Perfect." Cheryl said, at the same time Liam said: "Exactly."

They looked at each other and smiled.

"No, I can't do that." He shook his head.
"Why not?" Angelina asked, saying something different for the first time in ten minutes.

"Because... I don't know. I just can't."

That was no reason.

His problem was, that he didn't really know how to apologise to his best mate. Nothing like this had happened before.

"Look, Louis, just go to his room, and tell him everything honestly. He knows you, I'm sure he'll understand." Cheryl encouraged.

Louis nodded slowly, deep in thought.


"Niall, it's okay." Harry said, again.
"It's not! Louis said he was 'playing'. But he went too far!" Niall shouted.

"First of all, man, calm down." Harry insisted, placing a gentle hand on Niall's shoulder.

"I think you should hear him out, you know. And you know how Louis is."

"I don't even know anymore." Niall said, shaking his head.

"Hear him out. And sort this whole thing out. Not only with Louis, but with Angelina also." Harry said.

Niall didn't react as Harry opened the door, and exited the room.

Harry patted Louis' shoulder on the way out as he saw the boy standing just outside Niall's room.

Louis nodded, taking a deep breath, and entered.

"Hey, lad." He said, cautiously.

Niall looked to the other direction.
Louis sighed.

This is not going to be easy.

"Look, I know what I did was wrong, and I'm sorry." He began.

Niall didn't budge.
"It's just that, I was only having some fun. I was trying to see if you get jealous." He continued.

Niall looked out of the window, the opposite direction of Louis.

He continued nevertheless.
"And anyway, as I talked, her eyes always went to you,"

At that, Niall turned around to look at Louis.
Louis smiled.

"What?" Niall spoke for the first time.
"What?" Louis said, shrugging.

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