Chapter 49

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Chapter 49: The start of a new era.

"Are you excited?" Angelina asked Niall, turning her head towards him as they sat down on the swings in the garden.

"Loads; it's been way too long since I've heard our fans shouting our lyrics back to us," Niall recalled, a nostalgic smile on his face as he stared up at the sun setting.

Angelina shared a smile with him, her eyes crinkling at the sides, making him smile wider.

"It's nice, you know, I'm really happy for you," She spoke into the comfortable silence, and Niall looked back at her, his eyes soft as he nodded his head.
"That means so much, Leena,"

Angelina was really happy for the boys. The men, now. They were going on a reunion tour, and fans didn't know what was coming their way. Yet, she couldn't help but think about where this left her relationship with Niall. If there was one in the first place.

Of course, she didn't want to rain on Niall's happy parade, and hence decided not to speak of that at the moment. Or ever, who knows, really.


"We've decided to revive the one direction twitter account," Louis revealed, getting off the phone with someone Angelina assumed was their new manager.

She perked up at his statement, her eyes wide, because maybe in some twisted way, she knew her idols personally, but she was still very much a huge fan of theirs.

"We'll announce the news from that account first, and then use our individual accounts to confirm it," Louis completed, a sly grin on his face, his eyes clearly excited to see the response.

"Oh my god, twitter is going to crash!" Angelina stated, and all of them laughed, nodding their heads as if agreeing with her.

"That was always one of the best parts of our fanbase. You guys kept breaking twitter and vevo, it was amazing," Niall laughed, clutching his stomach in the process.

Angelina giggled as well, covering her mouth to be more subtle about it, but when Cheryl looked at her and offered her a knowing smile, she knew she was caught.

"Well then, lads, let's get packing," Liam announced, and everyone in the room hollered, as Angelina couldn't stop smiling at the excitement on all of their faces. They were so happy, and that was all that mattered.


"Niall, Niall, Niall, just fucking do it already, lad, or I'll tell her instead of you," Louis emphasized, grabbing Niall's shoulders and pushing him back slightly, as they entered his room.

"Tommo," Niall drawled in response, covering his face, making Louis roll his eyes as he sighed.

"I really can't force you to do it, can I?" He asked, his lips pursed as he sighed even louder when Niall shook his head.

"Alright, then let me tell you one thing: whatever you do or don't do, don't regret it, cause that's going to bite you in the ass,"

"That's actually good advice," Niall raised his eyebrows, and Louis chuckled, punching his mate's arm playfully.

"Hey, I'm good with words all right," he laughed, offering Niall a one armed hug that Niall immediately turned into a proper, full blown embrace that made Louis go soft, his eyes crinkling beautifully as he smiled.


"The practice schedule is going to get so hectic," Liam voiced, bouncing lightly on his toes as he filled some juice in his glass after a workout.

"Yeah," Harry agreed, following Liam into the kitchen too, his cheeks red after joining Liam on his workout session, their chests heaving from the impact.

"Zayn wrote some sick lyrics over the past few days," Louis said at the breakfast table, and Zayn gave him a look, as if to say: I told you that in confidence!

But Louis only shrugged him off, pulling him closer into a hug with a soft grin on his face, and soon Zayn was smiling too, as everyone on the table made sounds of encouragement.

"Our sound for the reunion is going to be so new and so surprising, I'm really excited for this one, boys," Liam said, his accent getting evidently stronger as he voiced his excitement, his eyes shining in happiness.

"Let's do this, man, I'm so ready," Harry said, and that was it. The start of a new era.


this chapter was quite short, sooo double update! see you in chapter 50 :)

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