Chapter 48

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Chapter 48: Time for Tour

"So, um, lads, we need to have a talk about the reunion tour," Louis spoke at the dinner table, and the rest of the boys nodded, Angelina's head snapping up to look at Louis at the topic.

They had spent much more time in California than was necessary. Their new management team was much more lenient and non controlling in their approach towards the boys, but they could only hold it up so much. Besides, this was supposed to be a vacation, before they went back into the spotlight and into the lives they had lived for so long.

"I'm really excited, mate, can't wait to play the crowds again," Niall piped up, and everyone grinned, Angelina quietly smiling up at him.

Yes, maybe touring all the time got tiring, but they could never get tired of their own fans. The people who helped them get to where they are.

"This time it should be better," Harry said, a little softly, and everyone nodded, Liam placing a comforting palm on Harry's shoulder, offering him a bright smile.
"It will be," he assured.

With a new management, no contract that required them to release an album every year, and a great tour schedule, things should be different now. A good kind of different.

"I think we should sing each other's solo songs as well," Harry proposed, and everyone at the table nodded, Angelina quietly staring at the exchange as she realised that she had somehow managed to be a spectator at one of their meetings.

"I'm going to sing If I Got You, I'm calling it," Liam said excitedly, smiling at Zayn who chuckled, twitching his nose cutely.

"Well then, I'm taking Remember and Walls," He replied, and Louis laughed, surprised.
"Walls? Interesting choice," he commented offhandedly, his lips curling into a small smile as he adjusted himself on the chair.

"What, you think I can't pull it off?" Zayn challenged, a mischievous glint in his eyes, as the rest of the boys watched their exchange like a tennis match.

"I'm not saying you can't pull it off, but that's exactly what I'm saying," Louis smirked, and Zayn laughed, shaking his head, before he suddenly began, "But these high Waaaalllls, they came up short—"

"Alright, alright, Zayn, we know you can sing," Louis rolled his eyes, a big smile plastered on his face. He would be lying if he said he hadn't missed his best mate. Yes, there had been a few problems in the past, but they had finally been prepared to deal with it. It was more than just hugging it out, they fought and then apologised and hugged and cried, but here they were now. And everything was okay. It was.

"Right then, we probably should contact Linda and tell her to hold the meeting," Louis declared, and everyone nodded, slight smiles on everyone's faces. Linda was their new manager, and she was firm but one of the sweetest souls they had ever encountered.

They had grown individually as solo artists, their individual personalities had been showcased during the hiatus, and now they were going back to where they started, but with the best versions of themselves, and yes, all of them had successful solo careers, but the band had a special place in all of their hearts. So if they had to perform a reunion tour, they sure as hell would.

"So, are we finally going to touch our food then?" Cheryl broke the silence, and everyone laughed, happily breaking into their food, the atmosphere charged and excited.


Angelina flipped through the channels on the television, Cheryl by her side as they sighed collectively, when they realised there was nothing good to watch at that moment.

The boys were currently at their meeting, a very very important meeting, and Angelina couldn't wait for the reunion tour. It truly was a dream come true for her. She had waited years for this moment to come, and it was so close now. She bit her lip to keep from voicing her excitement.

"They should be back in another twenty minutes," Cheryl revealed, and Angelina snapped out of her thoughts, turning around abruptly to nod at her.

"Cool," she voiced, and Cheryl smiled at her, patting her cheek before she got up and left to go to her room.

Well then.

There was a lot to think about, first of all. A reunion tour meant that they would be leaving California, of course, and Angelina would have to go back to living her life as she did before them, except, she could actually keep in touch with them. Well, she hoped so atleast.

She sighed, pulling out her phone from her pocket to text her mom.

they're going on a reunion tour!!

She typed out, and sent a similar message to Sonny, who was currently at an art exhibition, and when neither of them replied immediately, she lightly threw her phone on the empty seat beside her, staring at the ceiling with a pout, zoning out for a bit.


"So, this is it, are you ready for this?" Linda asked, looking at the five men seated around her at a round conference table with a smile on her face.

Harry nodded, and slowly but surely, all of them were nodding their heads, the smiles on their faces widening as they looked at each other, the reality finally sinking in.

They were nervous, of course they were, because you know, what if they didn't get the same love they used to? What if they weren't cut out for this anymore?

"We've got this, boys," Liam said, and he spoke with such certainty that everyone found themselves nodding.

So yes, tour started a month from now, and yes, this was really happening.


now, i love their solo careers, i love how confident they've all become on their own, and i definitely wouldn't want zayn to rejoin something he purposely got out of if he doesn't want to. i understand that my story is 100% fiction, but i'm addressing this purely because there is a wild chance of some weird reunion happening (still can't believe it, we may be clowning as usual) but anyway, apart from that, hope everyone is doing well! stay safe and take care :)

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