Chapter 45

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Chapter 45: Confusion.

Sonny had been visiting almost everyday then. She used to come early in the morning, cause it was fun waking the guys up, according to her; and then, she would just hang around all day. Sometimes, talking to Cheryl, to Zayn, or the rest of the boys(it was mostly Zayn, though).

Whereas Angelina felt mixed emotions. She felt out of place, but at the same time, she felt at home.

And it was very weird, how her life had changed in almost three weeks. Only three weeks ago, she only dreamt of meeting them. Now what? She's actually living with them.

She was shocked herself, too. It was absolutely unbelievable. She had never even dreamt of anything like this.

She had spoken to Liam about going back home, but he had told her not to worry about the future, but to live in the present.

She had merely nodded her head, not completely convinced.

Right now, as she walked around in the lawn, in deep thought, she bumped into someone.

The lawn was one place that she went to the most.

"What are we thinking?" The Irish voice asked, grabbing a hold of her arms gently, to stop her from pacing around.

"Nothing." She replied, looking at the ground.

"You're such a bad liar, Lina." Niall shook his head, sighing.

"What's wrong?" He tried again.
He would know if she was lying. So there was no point.

And therefore, she said: "Do you think it's okay that I'm living here, with you guys?"

Niall frowned deeply, his lips parting slightly, as he then blinked once and shook his head to come back to his senses.

"Is this what's getting you so worked up?" He finally spoke.

She only stared.
"Wow," He said, releasing a breath.

"Look," He began, shaking her shoulders lightly.
"You need to know that you're not a burden. You never were. That you're awesome, and people love your presence. Everyone here loves you."

And maybe I love you too.

What, no!

He battled with himself.

"So, please, please don't put yourself down. And also, do you not like it here?" He asked, awaiting her answer.

"Oh, no, I love it here!" She nodded, confirming his thoughts.
"Well, then that's problem solved right? We love you, you love us. All cool." He shrugged, his hands leaving her arms.

In all honesty, she already missed his touch. The past week, they had not interacted much. And Angelina didn't like that.

He walked backwards, still facing her, biting his lip.

He looked like he was debating with himself.

Then suddenly, he stopped walking; and in one single blink, he was in front of her.

"You're something else." He mumbled, his hands resting on her cheeks, as he kissed her.

And then he was gone. Just gone.

She stared into space, startled, her lips parted.

She released a breath she didn't know she was holding. And then she laughed. It wasn't the happy laughter. It was the confused and frustrated laughter.

She was laughing because it was better an option, than crying.

It was like she was in hysterics.
She couldn't think straight.

He just kissed her. And then he vanished. No explanation, nothing.

Did he feel anything for her?
Did he like her like she did?
Did he love her?

She never asked him.

But now, she was going to. Oh, yes she was.


"Hey Angel!" Harry sang, looking smug at his creative greeting.

Angelina chuckled, shaking her head as she walked into the living room.
"Where's everyone?" She asked him.

He shrugged.
"The usual. Niall's in his room, Lou is in his room, Liam and Cheryl are at the store, and Zayn and Sonny are in the backyard, I guess." He said, his eyebrows drawn together in thought.

"Why are you always alone in the living room?" She asked, walking round the couch to sit beside him.

He shrugged again.
"Guess no one likes me enough to talk to me." He pouted.
"Aw, Harry, that's not true!" Angelina immediately comforted, placing a gentle hand in his arm.

"Yeah, I know that's not true." He smirked, chuckling right after.
"Everyone loves me too much to let that happen." He said smugly.

"Seriously?" Angelina laughed, in disbelief.

Harry chuckled, showing his prominent dimples, crinkling his eyes.

"What do you think is going on between Zayn and Sonny?" He asked after a while of silence.

"Honestly, I don't know." Angelina replied, pouting slightly.

That's when sounds of delightful laughter were heard, and Zayn and Sonny came into view.

"You're a dork!" She told him, laughing.
He smiled, seeing her laugh, and chuckled a bit himself too.

Angelina turned her gaze to Harry was had also been staring at those two, and said, "But there's definitely something going on."

Harry nodded.


Niall didn't know how to tell her, but he wanted to. He had to. But he was afraid; and unsure. He wasn't sure if he 'loved' her.

What does love feel like?

He always wanted to be with her, next to her, wherever she went. He always wanted to make her happy, see her smile, and laugh because of him. He always wanted to hold her hand as he pleased, and be the reason of her happiness.

But can we classify that as love?

It could be mere liking, or simply a temporary infatuation.

But then, what if it was love?

But what if it wasn't?

What if it was?

But what if, not?

He groaned, pulling his hair in frustration.

He hated it. He hated these feelings. It was best when he didn't know her. But he was too selfish to let her go.

He opened his door and sprinted down the stairs.

"Oi, Niall! Hey!" Harry greeted, his hand high up in the air, waving at him.

Niall nodded his head and gave him a smile.
"Going to check up on Louis for a while." He answered, subtly glancing at Angelina who was seated beside Harry.

He saw her staring, but quickly looked away.

He had to get to Louis. Quick.

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