*kicks down the door* MUTANT CHILDREN/FACILITY AU

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hey did you know there's a type of amnesia called anterograde amnesia where you can't form new memories? it's kinda like short term memory where the person has difficulty remembering new events that happen, i just thought yo this would be really cool to write about (that's not what this chapter's about tho i swear)

-aight so basically everyone's like 14-16 (well okay Mumbo and xB are 14 and everyone else is 15-16) and the story follows uh a few characters but xB is definitely one of them; so yeah everyone signs up for this internship and for the first few days it's all normal, helping around the facility that supposedly is just a medical place where they develop vaccines, and then one by one they get dragged away and tested on, giving them mutant powers and getting locked away into cells

-okay so the main characters i've decided are team ZIT because why not (also xB because i can)

-Cub?? owns?? the place??? or at least works there and isn't just an intern (tho he's also a teen like the others, he was just smart enough to just straight up get hired)

-i've yet to decide whether Cub is evil or not

-Grian also works there (works, not internship) and he's also kind of a double agent for the mutants (mutants?? kids???) in the facility trying to escape (also he has glasses, it's the rules)

-also if Cub's evil then so is Scar

-YUP IT'S DECIDED, THOSE TWO ARE THE VILLAINS (all you scar angst antis can suffer in my scar angst)

-Scar's also a mutant but he was a volunteer/is still a worker there and therefore ready to experiment on everyone

-oh also i totally didn't give them all special markings no why would you say that-

-Zed has telekinesis and is also usually blindfolded so he can't "try anything" (aka try and escape)

-Impulse has electricity manipulation and is forced to wear electricity proof gloves

-Tango has fire manipulation and has to wear fire proof gloves

-xB has limited shape shifting (i.e he can transform parts of his body at a time) and is usually forced to wear a straight jacket

-every mutant has a kinda personal nurse and xB's is Keralis (Keralis is only doing the job because if he tries to quit he's either going to get experimented on or die so ya know), Tango's is Mumbo, Zed's is Python (i can and will bring him back fight me), and Impulse's is Iskall (because redstone i guess)

- there are other hermits in the facility such as BDubs (super speed), Jevin (matter manipulation), EX (ice manipulation), Etho (nature manipulation), Cleo (Deadpool-style regeneration), and Doc (quick healing and temperature manipulation)

-Doc's been there the longest and as such, has two abilities (from two experimentshgjfdkshjgfdsklg)

-Wels is an escapee who lives in a distant city and has light manipulation

-Hypno is a friend of Wels he met in the city who's apartment Wels lives in (Hypno's a college student who graduated highschool early); Hypno's also a computer tech lad hence the smartness

-Hypno does know about the facility and does want to help but first someone's gotta pay the bills lmao

-I can and will have my evil Joe and evil Ren and evil Scar hushhhhh

-please keep in mind everyone's like 14-16 hjfdsdgdjksfladj

-xB's cell is at the end of the hallway with only EX's cell next to his

-did i give EX ice powers only because i wanted to redraw that scene from Frozen where Elsa is sitting against the door with ice all around her because that's really sad and angsty? haha no why would you say that-

-the cell walls are glass only because the people who made the facility were like lol maybe the mutants need some level of human contact otherwise they'll go insane and that's not good so they put glass so the mutants can kinda at least see each other, but it's bulletproof/soundproof

-rip Zed because he's blindfolded (okay it's not really a blindfold it's more like a metal band around his eyes so he can't see but still)

-all the hermits who aren't mutants (besides Wels and Hypno) work at the facility whether because they actually support the cause or won't leave because shit they'll die

-hmmmm actually ya know what if i just made Python and mutant and killed him off-

i really really love facility AUs, they have a special place in my heart (maybe cuz im reminded of all those Team Crafted and Sky Media fanficshjfkdsdhgfksl)

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