some more S7 worldbuilding/headcanons

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i have no inspiration to properly write so take some shitposting instead

-Etho has connections to the void and as soon as he came to the S7 world, he could tell something was off with how strong the void presence was (courtesy of Grian) and upon asking Xisuma about it, was even more confused by the fact that X felt nothing off despite also having connections to the void

-Etho's got void powersssss which basically mean that in The End, he can manipulate the void and stuff

-regarding EX and his inky/shadowy powers, he basically refuses to use them unless it's absolutely necessary (or it's out of reflex) because he's still really scared he'll turn evil again

-this goes for anybody with wings but i'll use Grian as an example: his wings were small and basically useless until he got an elytra which made the wings bigger and capable of flight, his wings are permanent elytras and he can fly whenever; the drawbacks of having wings however are that they're another two limbs and are treated as such, capable of feeling pain or being broken and whatnot so Grian's gotta be careful (yes he broke his wings a ton in S6 and by the end they were slightly bent at an awkward angle but thankfully this didn't hinder their usefulness)

-whenever i give any of the hermits extra abilities (flight, fire resistance, etc) for me it's important to not make them obscure any actual game mechanics/make the hermit more powerful than an average player; like Grian's wings, altho they are like permanent elytras they have drawbacks that Grian's gotta be careful about; Tango can summon fire and withstand very high temperatures but he's not fire resistant/he can still burn to death nor can he manipulate fire, only summon it (meaning it still behave like typical fire once out of his hand)

-Keralis is a shark hybrid (why? why not) and yeah when he can go all shark mode and get a shark tail and he can breath underwater but if he stops moving he starts to drown (like a real shark) so this means he can't open chests and stuff or else he starts to drown; normal-legged Keralis has gills, shark teeth, and gray fins on his arms and legs

-Scar no longer has Vex powers or ties to Vex (for now, things might happen later in the season and i might have to change stuff lol) because he made a deal with the jungle; like the Watchers, the Vex requires loyalty to them and only them so if you make any other kind of deal with anything else your powers and shit get booted from you

-okay hold on, watching Etho's vid rn and like, why tf are minecraft fights simultaneously the most mundane yet insanely intense things ever???

-watching Keralis' vid now of him getting fucking hunted down by Etho and im fucking cackling at a) that 'rawr~' after saying The Baby Making Chamber, and b) the names he gave those goddamn zombies-

-ho ho ho, the headgames are giving me inspiration and i should honestly probs write that assassination thing Etho and Keralis did-

-"I haven't even played with bees... well besides you" -Keralis to Xisuma (sir no you can't just say things like that you're giving me smut ideas-)

-i've officially given all the IDEA members nicknames: Kerry, B, Shashy

-people who make the worst deals (for various reasons): Keralis, Cub, Grian, Doc, Scar, Jevin, Zed, sometimes Cleo

-Hypno gives me big cryptid-vibes and i have no clue why (also i absolutely love his design, mygod it's great)

-Grian has a gap between his two front teeth and you know he whistles really loudly at night and is basically a human cicada

-Jevin has a ukulele with a hand-painted floral design on it as a collective gift from Python and Wels before they left

-you can bet your ass people have already cried this season because i will make everyone suffer




-*kicks down the door* ETHO AND KERALIS WATER SEX- *gets slapped*

-has EX met Taurtis? 👀

-the people who live/lived in The End: Badtimes, NPG, EX, Tau- *gets tackled*

-yes Jevin misses his bfs, yes he's cried, fite me

-EX is currently with BDubs and technically Keralis with how often he visits/stays over and he's getting the care he needs (mans got a lot of anxiety)

-Etho has void powers which give a stronger connection to the void than Xisuma, who just made a deal with the void (the deal having been creating EX)

-BDubs is way too hotheaded and Keralis often has to hold him back from literally tackling Doc (who's across the border with a smug grin because they both know who'd win if they ever actually fought)

-Xisuma's about 6'3, Keralis' about 2 inches shorter, BDubs like a good 4 inches shorter than Keralis, and Doc's about 6'7 (please imagine BDubs and Doc next to each other im begging you-)

-dyslexic Keralis? why not

-dyslexic Zed? why not

-alright who decided dyslexic and dyslexia were going to be spelled that way-

-passive-aggressive BDoc? fuck yeah

-X and Keralis when Kerry first became a bee boi basically spent an entire day cuddling because Keralis' little antennas felt nice to be scratched

mmmmmmmmmm dating sim-

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