answering some of thems requests

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i was gonna do full one-shots for all them but im fucking tired so we're just doing notes fo them (will do some one-shots but not all of themhjgkfdlsjf)

(also it's nice to see a few people referring to Keralis as Kerry but i'd like ya'll to know i also call BDubs "BB" and Xisuma "Shashy" and other names like "Zizi" or "Zuzu" or just "Beezuma")

Doc lore:

-he's been a creeper hybrid since the dawn of time (or at least since he joined lmao) and btw all the lore im going off either canon or making shit up because namemc doesn't let go that far back on his skin history and im too lazy to google ;-;

-he used to be literally every creeper in a suit ever and to be "oRiGiNaL" he added a cyborg eye

-some just in general minecraft lore for this world: when first joining the world/technically creating themselves, they can customize what they look like; they can basically add on whatever you can add onto a normal minecraft skin (so small wings that definitely don't work for flight until you get an elytra, cyborg parts, etc) but if you customize after that you gotta do it yourself, like sew clothes and whatever

-and since it's canon that Doc got his arm shot off by Dinnerbone and that's why he has a mechanical arm, yes this does mean someone made it; Doc made the first prototype (which was janky as fuck) and when he met False, she offered to make him a proper one (for a payment lol)

-he's half creeper half human so no, creepers don't look like what Doc looks like naked (wtf did i just type)

-his cyborg parts can go in water and lava but afterwards they need some maintenance; False taught him how to maintain the parts and how often to check on them (like 2-3 times a month); the robot parts need to be updated and shit whenever a new update comes out

-this season he's got *jazz hands* powers! kinda like an electricity blast that acts a fight or flight response (so he doesn't really have control over it)

Doc angst:

-scenario: Doc gets yelled at by Xisuma because he and BDubs fucked up and made Keralis cry (again)

-either that or BDubs and him get into a proper fight (as in swords and shit)


-rolling with that idea, they get into a fight about what to do with Keralis; Scar wants to keep him there for investigation and Doc wants to let him go

-Doc insists that no, this is actually Keralis look at his username, and even tries to sneak out Keralis as some point

-Scar catches them and doesn't hesitate to fight them; he ends up arrowing Doc but Keralis escapes with minimal wounds (because bitch has healing powers)

-real reason Scar doesn't want to let Keralis go? he wants an excuse to stay at Area 77

-Scar yells at Doc and Doc's genuinely terrified of him because Scar's literally never like this

-i like Scar angst forgive me hdjgkfljhgdkjd

Grian and EX angst (oh fun i get to do more S7 EX):

-yes im still giving EX his cool shadow powers fight me

-last we heard of EX he was with Beef and Impulse (check "The Late Arrival") and what'd he do? well when he woke up he ran away lmao

-he ended up running to the jungle and the jungle like lowkey attacked him because the jungle doesn't particularly like the void

-the jungle ends up alerting Grian (since he's the closest) and Grian swoops in all ready to fight and just sees EX and is confused and then goes into "WHAT THE FUCK" mode upon seeing his eye

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