Missing Memories AU/idea

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idk it could be an AU or just a headcanon

concept: every time they start a new season and switch servers, their memories get changed

-boyfriends?? girlfriends?? never heard of them, we're all just pals

-Python who? Wels when?? ie. people who left and aren't on the current season and won't be joining are just wiped from memory

-people joining after skipping a few seasons like Keralis or Etho? they were erased from memory during the season/seasons they skipped but when they joined back everyone (excluding Grian since he new) is just like "eyy welcome ol buddy ol pal"

-people who join later in the season are remembered as old friends and when they join everyone's like "eyyyyyy"

-Xisuma, being the admin, is one of the only ones who keeps his memory as it is, without any alterations

-EX also keeps his memories because he's not technically a player and therefore isn't effected by normal coding and stuff

-possible idea where Grian also keeps his memory when first joining S7 and is super confused when no one remembers who Python or Wels are, and that everyone's just like "yes we are all friends no we're not dating"; he confronts Xisuma about it, Xisuma is hella suspicious and alters Grian's memory as well

*kicks down the door* STARTING OFF STRONG WITH SOME  A N G S T

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