some S7 world building

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here's just some world building just to prep myself for some writing (also im very tired rn it's like 10 am) also prepare for a ton of rambling

-i swear to god i chose the worst hybrid to make Keralis considering he lives in the fucking savannah -.-'

-in S6, Keralis had butterfly wings and healing powers that i never really did anything with but they were there anyways don't question it. Why'd i make him have wings and shit? no fucking clue it just popped into my head and i couldn't stop imagining him with them. But uh, he really a hybrid but more of sub-category called an insectoid. Insectoids are different because they have insect parts and a power that doesn't correlate to their insect, also they don't have an animal form. Insectoids are extremely rare and it's even more rare for a normal player to turn into one. How did Keralis turn into an insectoid you ask? Well since EX and Grian joined were in the new world, Keralis' player code ended up majorly glitching out. Ever since it glitched out, it's been kinda broken ever since and he's pretty much a different hybrid on every server

-(by the way when i say 'every server' i don't just mean like S6 and S7, i mean like Hypixel and Mineplex as well)

-every server has a different looking communicator, some more distinct that others. They look like those tamagotchi things and when the screen is double tapped, a hologram pops up from it with a bigger screen for text. Texting works by just speaking when the hologram's up. For example, Hypixel's communicator is dark golden with the Hypixel "H" on it and orange screeen/hologram, and S6's communicator was purple with a green screen/hologram. S7's communicator is red with 3 yellow stripes coming down from the screen (they're just aesthetic) and the screen/hologram is yellow. Communicators allow you to use chat, commands, and change aesthetics such as how particles or clouds look. There isn't an option for turning up brightness, but there is an option to change how bright lights look however that doesn't actually change the light levels

-relationships basically reset every time the hermits go to a new hermitcraft server because all the servers are connected and therefore have the same commands set in place. Generikb, the original founder of the hermitcraft server, set in place a command that neutralizes feelings for other when players first join the hermitcraft server and basically resets all relationships, romantic or platonic. At the time of putting the command in place, everyone on the server agreed it would be good to have it so they could have a fresh start at the beginning of each season. Once Xisuma was passed on the duty of being admin, he decided to keep the command in place and never asked Generikb to change it back. Xisuma isn't effected by the command as much, being the admin, but he doesn't have the ability to change it back because he didn't set the command. Does he regret agreeing to the command? A little bit...

-EX was made from the void after an accident caused Xisuma's player code to duplicate and reset the copy's code. Xisuma didn't know what to do and asked the void to please get rid of the copy and the void took him but what Xisuma didn't know is that the void told EX about how Xisuma basically abandoned him. EX was understandably heart broken and angry and vowed to destroy what Xisuma loved; the hermitcraft server. The void let him, understanding how he was feeling, and he tried to destroy hermitcraft. After failing however and getting banished to The End, EX saw how much everyone cared about the server and especially how much they cared about each other. And he... he wanted to feel that. So he dropped himself into the void and pleaded for it to let him go back to hermitcraft. The void agreed, understanding his reasons, and let him go back. There's still a phrase that he remembers, from the friends he left.

"You're going to regret this once they leave you again!" were their last words to him.

-camera accounts are NPCs coded to let their player inhabit their body and basically go ghost mode. NPC Grian was a custom NPC created by Grian but because Grian was really inexperienced and tried to make him without the help of an admin, he turned rogue. Grian very quickly locked him but after learning that the closet wouldn't work, he sent him very far away. Badtimes used to be Scar's camera account until Scar tried to give him vex powers and gave the Vex control over him. Scar eventually replaced him with a new camera account under the same name, Badtimeswithscar, and got rid of Badtimes. Where'd they go? Who knows

-hybrid of normal animals (dogs, snakes, cats, etc) have no additional powers other than having an animal form. In animal form they have stronger animalistic urges (snakes are drawn to warmth, dogs really like attention, etc) and can only make their animal's noises. Hybrids of minecraft exclusive mobs (creepers, endermen, the enderdragon, etc) don't have animal forms however they do have additional powers; creepers have a blue electricity ring-blast that happens under high pressure or sudden situations, endermen can teleport and heightened reflexes, and so on. Minecraft exclusive hybrids also have something called "monster mode" where they get a lot stronger and get heighten senses/reflexes. Monster mode also makes the hybrids look a lot different, for example Zed (an enderman hybrid), gets a splotch of black over his left eye (left when you're looking at him), the whites of his eyes turn lavender colored and his pupils turn to light purple slits, and his fingers turn into black claws

-the jungle of S7 is kind of it's own living being, kinda like the void. Most of the people in the jungle, before entering, made a deal with it in exchange for something. Mumbo wanted to let loose after the hectic season 6, Stress wanted to be queen after loosing her title as the Ice Queen, Scar wanted protection after the Vex left him after season 6, Iskall wanted stability both mentally and physically after having to deal with Mumbo and Grian, and the jungle helped them all. For a price of course; they all had to carry something of the jungle's with them at all time. Stress got vines around her arms that could control, Mumbo got a leaf crown, Scar got a wand made of jungle wood, and Iskall got a braided vine bracelet. Why did the jungle give these to them though? Who knows

god now i have so many ideas for writing and now you all have a few mysteries on your hands; who's the people EX left? Why did the jungle give them all something? Where'd Badtimes and NPG go? And...

has anything else happened regarding these ideas? >:3c

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