And The Universe Said I Love You (one-shot)

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as a thanks for 100 followers, here's some long overdue angst

(warning for emotional angst, possible thing that could be interpreted as a hint at suicide?? idk i just wanna warn just to be safe)


"Thanks for helping me Scar," Grian said, breaking the purple shulker box and shoving it back into his inventory.

"Of course!" Scar replied, fidgeting with the crystal in his hand. "It's always fun hangin' out with you G!" He swiftly shrunk the crystal down and tossed it into his inventory. "Say, wanna hang out some more? Just to talk or whatever."

Grian tensed, pausing his actions for a moment. Scar tilted his head, furrowing his brow. "G? You okay?"

He stared blankly at Scar before blinking and awkwardly smiling. "Y-yes yes, I am," he reassured, fiddling with his sword's handle. "Just zoned out."

"That's all?" Scar asked, his tone a bit sharper than he meant it to be.

A frustrated look passed over Grian's face for a moment before going back to a slight smile. "That's all Scar. I..." He looked away, taking out a rocket. "I've got to go."


The blonde looked up at him with glazed eyes. He suddenly looked more like a shell of a person rather than the once lively hermit Scar had known. His shoulders sagged and the faint rings under his eyes seemed more prominent than ever. "What?"

"Dude, you're obviously not okay," Scar said, stepping towards him. He moved to place a hand on his shoulder but Grian flinched away from his touch.

"I said I'm fine," Grian sighed. "I seriously need to go now Scar."

He gripped the rocket, about to light it, when Scar impulsively smacked it out of his hand. Grian froze and then turned to Scar, an annoyed look on his face that just barely masked the anger boiling under.

"I- sorry," Scar stammered. "But I'm not letting you leave Grian. You really don't look well, and I want to help you."

"THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE SAYS!" As soon as the words left him, Grian gasped and clapped his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide with horror.

Scar stared at him, taken aback. "What do you... mean?" he tentatively asked with a concerned look. "Who's 'everyone'?"

"I-It's..." The blonde looked down, scrunching up his face and clenching his fists. "E-Everyone one I-" His voice hitched and he started to shake. "I..."

Tears started to slip down his face and he burst into sobs that wracked his frail body. Scar wasted no time in wrapping the blonde up in a hug, letting him cry into his robes and try to catch his breath.

"E-Everyone I *hic* l-love a-always hurts me," he whispered through broken sobs.

"What do you mean?" Scar murmured, gently running a hand through Grian's messy hair. "Who's hurt you?"

Grian hastily wiped at the tears still falling from his eyes, sniffling and avoiding eye-contact with the brunette. "M-My old friends, *hic* back in Evo... I-I thought I could *hic* tr-trust them... b-but they destro- *hic* destroyed Evo-" He broke off into sobs once more, unable to hold them back any longer.

Scar gently pulled him even closer, softly hushing him and lightly dragging his nails across the blonde's scalp. "Grian I'm so sorry," he murmured. "But we can't change the past. We can only move forward and make things better."

"Can we?!" Grian burst out, startling Scar and making him step back in surprise. "Cause I tried to get close to people but all I ended up doing was making an enemy of everyone!"

"That's not true!" Scar protested, his eyes wide with shock. "What about Mumbo! Iskall! You three made such an amazing business last season!"

"Then what happened this season?!" Grian angrily gestured in the direction of Mumbo's base. "Mumbo went insane! This stupid god-forsaken jungle tore my best friend away from me! And Iskall? The last time we even properly talked was when he killed me."

He was trembling with anger by now, nails digging into his palms and tears still rolling down his cheeks. "And the only person who I ever loved, the only person I could ever trust with all my heart, died," he continued, his body swaying slightly with every aggravated breath.

"I loved him," Grian whispered, his voice cracking. "We went through so much together and he never left me. He was always there for me..." Fresh tears poured down his face but he held it together. "A-And then he died... right in front of me... and I couldn't help him."

Scar didn't really know what to do other than patiently listen, his heart breaking more and more with each word. "Grian... I'm so so sorry," Scar said again, his own eyes starting to water.

The blonde sighed, his body shaking from the effort. "It's me who should be sorry," he muttered, looking down. "I've caused so much trouble on here and I just... I don't deserve a place among you guys."

"Oh Grian don't say that," Scar argued, taking a step forward. "Of course you deserve to be with us! You're our friend! Besides, tons of other people do stuff on here that's chaotic and troublesome but no one gets mad! It's all in good fun."

"But they do it because it's fun!" Grian sighed and wiped his tear-covered cheek with his sleeve. "The reason I pull pranks, cause trouble, do so many crazy things, is because I don't want you guys to really... like me. I don't want to get too close to anyone because everyone just leaves me..."

He looked back up at Scar and chuckled, more tears escaping his eyes. "Maybe it's a sign though. Maybe it's the universe telling me that I should just leave. Maybe you'd all be happier with me gone-"

Scar cut him off by forcing him into a tight hug, much to Grian's surprise. Quiet sobs escaped from the brunette's lips but he tried to hold them back, for Grian's sake. "Please, please never say that again," Scar choked out, holding onto his friend like a lifeline. "Never ever think that we'd be better off without you. We're a family."

He pulled away, a small smile on his lips and tears streaking down his face. "And Grian?" The blonde stared up him, tilting his head slightly. "The universe would never say that."

"Because the universe loves us all."


apparently this is my version of thanking ya'll for 100 followers-

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