cat headcanons because i can

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fuck it i like writing about cats -/////-

recap cause ya'll might not know:
(Scar) Jellie; ya'll know what she looks like
(Grian) Maui; tan colored with the egyptian mau pattern
(Grian) Pearl; basically a slightly smaller, silver version of Maui
(Doc) Gracie; pure black and a bit smol
(Iskall) Alice; long furred tuxedo tom
(Cleo) Glados; calico pattern
(Cleo) Atlas; ginger tabby

Python's got two cats as well, Marmite (all black kitty with yellow eyes) and Pickles (black and white patched)

hjfkdlskjhfklsjhfjklds sorry in advance for this chapter i've just listening to Warriors PMVs and MAPs for like the past day ;-;

-ya'll realize that Jellie's old, i think like 13 or something-

-main difference between Benji and Maui (besides the height) is that Benji lanky and lowkey all bones while Maui's a bit more muscular and lithe rather than skinny

-Alice is a sassy boi-

-considering we know next to nothing about all their personalities (i mean, Alice has literally been mentioned once in a christmas tweet like 2 years ago lol) im taking some liberties with personalities

-Jellie's the grandma amongst them all like im not even kidding, most of the other hermits have tweeted "oh here we got a new cat!" but Jellie's been with Scar since i think before he even start youtube (also im pretty sure Maui and Pearl are like 2-3 years old, definitely not anywhere near 10)

-headcanon that Jellie's the shortest (bit shorter than Alice) and Maui's the tallest (also the stronkest)

-fuck now i wanna draw them-


-Pearl's graceful, Maui's clumsy, it's season 6 Grian and Mumbo all over again-

-Gracie's petty and likes to bug everyone, especially Doc (can you imagine what she did while he was working on Area 77? just like, *lies in infinity portal and gets teleported to MindCrack*)

-i write cats better than humans, sue me i got all my writing knowledge from Warriors-

-not so funfact (rape mention): some of the first fanfics i wrote were about cat rape because little Aim didn't understand what sex was and thought it was magic (yes i still have them, yes i regret everything) listen how was tiny 10 year old supposed to know what mating meant-

-Jellie's the mom of the group and makes sure the youngins dont get themselves killed

-Maui's kinda the protector of the group since he's the strongest but he's way too humble for his own good

-Alice is kinda a prick but he does protect the others when he can

-Pearl's just a delicate bean and kinda like another mother for them all (Jellie's the grandma)

-Gracie's the team baby (even if she's nearly Maui's height)

-Glados and Atlas aren't completely part of the group, often doing their own thing, but they do like to pull pranks a lot

-Glados and Atlas can both swim and definitely enjoy splashing around and catching their own fish

-Benji's skittish and a bit of a dork (as in he's the type to try and jump in a boat and then flip it upside down by accident)

-Pearls collects trinkets she finds around and sometimes steals from the other hermits

-Benji's also team baby

well fuck i have like 6 things on my to-do list now-

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