Fairytale AU

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basically the premise of the show "Ever After High" (it's similar to Monster High just with fairytales) where everyone is the child of a fairytale character including villains! yes i am going to go down the list and there is nothing you can do to stop me

Mumbo - Snow White; black hair, pale skin, red like redstone, he's tall and therefore everyone else he's around seems short, i could have made him Aurora because of the whole afk thing but likehsfjkslsjfdgfledw

Grian - Peter Pan; it's his fault all this fucking chaos happened and ya know what yeah we are going to fucking blame him that bastard-

Xisuma - Maleficent; green, the OG with OP powers, yes this does mean him and Mumbo are enemies

Joe - the Cheshire Cat; one cryptic riddley boy, it just fits really well alright?

Cleo - Captain Hook; pirate, yes this does mean she and Grian are enemies, do I really need to explain any further?

False - the Queen of Hearts; again, I don't need to explain

Stress - im sure you're expecting Elsa but im going to one-up you and say Belle; why? sweet and willing to give others another chance, also quite smart, brown hair

Scar - the witch from Hansel and Gretal; bakes sweets but is lowkey evil, fucking kidnaps people with example A being Keralis-

Cub - the Mad Hatter; just makes a lotta sense personality wise, beard

Keralis - Red Riding Hood; innocent and super sweet and being kidnapped is close enough to being fucking eaten

BDubs - Elsa; quick to temper, please imagine him in the dress im begging you-

Zed - Little Bo Sheep; blonde, sheep, no enemies we all love him

Impulse - uh uh uh Ariel???; trading, that's literally it-

Tango - Merida; personalityyyyyyyyy

Jevin - Cinderella; blue, rich

Ren - the Big Bad Wolf; doggo man

Doc - uhhhhh stitch

i kinda ran out at the end but you can see what im getting at here (also if i wrote gore, who would absolutely break your heart if i wrote gore about them? asking for a friend 👀)

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