some angsty hermit headcanons, some not

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i was going to write a cool underwater au continuation but thanks to my mom who fucked with my emotions, im writing some angsty shit and i will make everyone suffer (sorry in advance, i just really need to vent and im not in a great mcfucking mood)

-Ren has a fear of fireworks (honestly same) because the loud noises hurt his sensitive wolf ears; it's a pretty unfortunate situation for him but he's way too prideful to admit he's scared so ya know just bottle those feelings away for another day (or never-)

-Zed seriously hates being babied (he doesn't like thinking people take him as a joke) and unfortunately Impulse and Tango both accidentally baby/coddle him and you know like hell he gets random angry burst outs a lot

-btw im just going to de-headcanonize the whole "Zed was a Watcher" thing and just make it it's own AU

-Scar also really hates being babied (different reasons than Zed tho, he doesn't want to be thought of as useless/helpless) and instead of telling people not to baby him, he pushes himself to work to his limit to "prove them wrong"

-Grian's hurt a lot of people's feelings over the course of S6 and you do not understand how much he literally destroyed himself with guilt and profusely apologized to people and still has a lot of anxiety over whether they're still upset or not

-surprisingly, it's Grian who has tons of anxiety, Mumbo barely has any

-BDubs gets embarrassed and flustered pretty easily and people (cough the entire nHo cough) like to tease him about, and it actually does get under his skin quite a bit, he just doesn't say anything about it because he assumes they won't take him seriously

-Keralis has an issue with being babied; he doesn't mind it (if anything he likes all the attention and cute stuff) it's just that sometimes, it gets annoying when people don't seem to take you seriously

-Impulse is kinda the therapist for Tango and Zed, acting as their main emotional support; he tends to bottle up a lot of his negative emotions (partly because of the whole therapist thing and partly because that's just how he is) so sometimes he just feels like crying randomly and he gets so fucking confused because he was just shopping???

-break from the angst: when it's blue moon day (aka a blue moon appears on that day) all the hybrids on the server get amplified instincts and most are forced into their animal form for the day (please imagine the cuddles and snuggles and hhhhhh)

-Impulse is part dragon?? at least that's what most people assume, altho he has absolutely no resemblance to a dragon hybrid (he's definitely not human, that's for sure); when the blue moon comes around he's especially protective of Zed and Tango

-*laughs in if blue moons do this then guess what motherfucking blood moons do?*

-Grian used to not be affected by shit like heat and blue moons (cause he wasn't a hybrid in S6) but he's a parrot hybrid now and has certainly struggled to adjust to all the feral instincts and strange subconscious habits

-ya know what's a good idea? cryptic Impulse being summoned into hermitcraft

-ah yes, tis i, the master of making wildly inaccurate personalities (example a: used to thing BDubs was some worrisome bean and example b: all the super fucking inaccurate Python angst i used to write and now highly regret)

-i... im so confused rn... i cant focus on my normal daydream world like normal?? im kinda stuck in the normal waking world?? this is so weird, not having a spontaneous creative place to escape to... is this what everyone else feels like normally?

-hhhhhhh i highkey wanna write more shit about my persona interacting with the hermits but at the same time that's like kinda cringey and i dont think ya'll wanna read that -.-'

-okay just to sum up that underwater AU i left half-finished because i made yet another promise i couldn't keep (really need to stop doing that), basically Keralis was going to go into the deep depths of the ocean and meet a bunch of the hermits who are terrifying fish (Cleo the lionfish, Zed the blue-ringed octopus, Grian the vampire squid, and Tango the angler fish) and be terrified because they terrify him and nearly kill him and then BDubs saves him whoo

-a long forgotten idea but like, headcanon that Jevin can fuse with other hermits Steven Universe style???

-wh... what if i... destroyed... the mental and physical states of everyone-

it's late and im emotionally and mentally and physically exhausted, sorry for this half-venty chapter i'll get back to your regularly scheduled program soon dont worry -.-'

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