The Late Arrival (one-shot/AU)

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not the school AU, just the normal hermitcraft world, however i am actually really enjoying the high school AU (maybe a little too much based on some of my comment replies lmao)


"EX!" Xisuma landed lightly on the ground, a pale green admin screen floating besides him. Looking around the shopping district filled him with a sense of nostalgia, seeing all the memories they'd all built together.

Whipping out his now purple communicator he quickly typed into the chat.

Xisuma> hey bro come to the shopping district

EvilXisuma> k

Soon enough there was the boosting of rockets and a blur of red basically skidded to a halt in front of him, galaxy-like elytra folded neatly on his back. Wish we had those in season 7, Xisuma thought, remembering how much quicker it was to travel around.

His brother was quickly wiping at his eye with his sleeve, not wearing his normal outfit but instead a simple red hoodie with a white turtle on it, and looked at Xisuma. "Wh-why'd you need me?" he asked, his words shaking with each breath. "Another l-letter?"

"Better than that!" Xisuma replied, a wide smile starting to creep onto his face. "Season 7's ready! You can come on!"

EX stared at him for a moment in silence, eyes widening, before throwing his brother into a hug and lettings tears drip from his eyes. "R-rea- *hic* -eally...?" he whispered, shaking in the taller's arms.

Xisuma smile softened and he gently hugged him back, resting his chin against his brother's messy white hair. "Really."

They stood there for a moment in comfortable silence, the only noise being their breathing and quiet heart beats. EX eventually stepped back, taking a deep breath to calm himself down, and then looked up at Xisuma.

"So c-command blocks r-right?" he murmured, rubbing his eyes. "A-and the void?"

"Yup." Xisuma casually slung his arm over EX's shoulder, glancing up at the clear blue sky and the wispy clouds that drifted past. "Got anything specific you wanna take with you? Besides the letters obviously."

EX shook his head. "I've got everything. I couldn't really put anything down anyways since it kinda... disappeared..."

The admin nodded, ignoring the guilt welling up in his stomach. "Alright then, let's go. I've already got the command blocks since ya, the whole creative mode thing."

The two quickly set off towards the end portal, EX zipping through the sky with Xisuma right behind him. "Could you change my outfit real quick?" EX asked about mid-way there. "I don't really wanna show up on the new server in my pajamas. First impressions and all that."

"Of course little bro," Xisuma chuckled, bringing his admin screen in front of him. He quickly typed out some commands and EX was instantly changed into his normal attire, though that didn't fix his messy hair.

After a long flight of mainly chatter and some catching up, they arrived at the end portal. EX jumped in with no hesitation and Xisuma followed in suit, practically falling in in an attempt to catch up with his brother. Once there, said admin set down a command block with a long string of commands copy-pasted in and a button on one side. EX meanwhile was bouncing up and down on his heels at the edge of the island, the albino fidgeting with his hair and trying to detangle it a bit.

"Are you ready?" Xisuma asked, hand on the button. "This might hurt a little, remember?"

"I remember," EX muttered back, wincing at the memory. The void jump had left a scar on his elbow never to be healed. "But I'm ready."

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