Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

After eating three delicious trays of Sunday roast with all the trimmings I lay back down on the bed resting my throbbing head I am still processing everything the doctor said me. I’m  struggling to understand how I ended up in such a bad away when I was walking and talking after being freed from my chains. Elijah has been great he’s told me everything that’s been going on with the pack and that Adrien and Frankie have both been phoning constantly for an update on my condition. “I forgot to tell you Frankie is coming over to the pack to see you I tried to tell her that you need a few more days to heal up before she comes over and hugs you to death but she wasn’t having any of it" Elijah says softly as he strokes my hair I gently move over the bed so that Elijah can lay with me he sits down swinging his legs up onto the bed softly pulling me back over onto his chest I lay my head on his chest just above his heart feeling the thudding of his heart beat Elijah gently strokes my back from hip to nape in a slow motion leaving a trail of tingles in its wake it honestly feels amazing we lays here like this for about an hour just listening to the to everyone walking around laughing and making jokes hearing the cry of babies in the distance we hear it all and it brings me a sense of calm knowing I am safe with Elijah. “You know we still have deal with Beth right" I say to Elijah as I left my head up and look into his eyes I feel his body tense at the mention of that bitch he nods his head “I know we have to deal with her if you want I will do it I want you to rest and heal” Elijah says as he raises his hand cupping the side of my still swollen face looking tenderly into my eyes “I know I need to heal but I want to be the one to end her for everything she has done to me do we even know if she’s still pregnant I mean she didn’t have a bump or anything when she was around me” I state as I sit up crossing my arms to stroke the tops of my arms. “I can have a scan done to see if she’s not then her punishment will be far greater then it is right now" Elijah seethes as he gets off the bed “I will go to get her myself and have this done then we will know how to take action but for now I want to get you bathed first then you can rest till they come to do your blood transfusion “ he says as he walks around the bed to the on suite bathroom and a couple of minutes later I hear the sound of the hot water running Elijah emerges from the bathroom walking over to the bag I didn’t even know was in front of the bed getting out my lavender bubble bath out of the bag he stands straight and winks at me before walking back into the bathroom. Once the water is turned off I slowly start to get off the bed clenching my chest as i get up and stand up right it feels like my chest is going to fall out it’s really sore but that’s to be expected I just hope that after this transfusion my body will heal faster like its meant to I think to my self as I walk over to the bathroom walking in I turn around “hey Elijah would you mind undoing the ties so that I can get out of this gown” i ask waiting for him to do it. I feel the soft tug of the material as he undies the gown then he slowly pulls it off my shoulders I feel I drop to the floor pooling around me I turn around looking down at my chest seeing the surgical marks just under my breast and a little down my sternum as a tear rolls down my cheek and on to the floor I cant help but feel ugly looking at this I just hope it doesn’t scare this bad. “your not ugly my love and it wont scare this badly it will fade like every other wound does you know how our bodies heal now come here" he says opening his arms up for me to walk into we stand here him just holding me for a few moments before I pull back looking at the bath “would you mind helping me” I ask Elijah as I make the few short steps to the bath Elijah takes hold of my hand and slowly helps me climb into the bath and sit down before getting to work washing all of the dried blood away. After having the fastest bath possible I get out and Elijah  helps me dry off and gets me some of my own pyjama pants and a top so that I am more comfortable we walk back into the room just as doctor Sarah enters with two nurses wheeling in a machine.

After being hooked up to the machine for my blood transfusion I lay down and read a book to relax and keep my mind occupied I’m waiting for Elijah to get back from finding out if Beth is in fact pregnant or if she was lying to us. Just as I get to a really good part of my book I hear shouting and swearing I try to focus my hearing more on the voices and recognize that it is Elijah and he sounds so angry “get this lying skank out of my sight before I lose my temper and kill her here" he rears as I feel the vibration of his thunderous footsteps coming down the corridor and then the door swings open revealing just as a suspected a really pissed off Elijah. “When your healed that bitch is dead I want it done and fast she is the most disgusting excuse of a she wolf I have ever had the displeasure of meeting" Elijah rants as he passes back and forth with his hands buried within his hair stroking it back aggressively I get up off the bed and slowly make my way towards him I take his arms in my small hands and pull his hands out of his hair and pull them down so they rest on my hips and reach up to lay my arms around his neck to help calm him down. “I’m guessing she’s not pregnant then?” I ask lifting my head up from the crease of his arm to look at his face and see the look of pure rage I’ve never seen him this angry before which frightens me a little but I know he wouldn’t hurt me. “That vial excuse of a she wolf is not pregnant she had the pup aborted when I kicked her from the pack she laughed at me and said her reason and a quote was well if it’s not your baby I don’t want the pup I want a pup that will lead to wealth and power and I’m not getting that from dean am I. She said it was the best thing to do if she cant have me then she doesn’t want it" Elijah seethes and he clamps his arms around me I feel sick to my stomach that she would do that just because it wasn’t Elijah’s pup I looked up at Elijah taking his face in my palms bringing him down to my level so I could look him in the eye “I would never do that to you even if you weren’t the alpha title means nothing to me please understand that” I say softly stroking his cheek Elijah takes a few calming breaths before reopening his eyes looking at me. “That means the world to me right now I feel sick thinking about that conniving little bitch doing that I want for this pack to be safe and strong and when the time is right when your ready for us to have our own pups but that’s when your ready I wont rush you into anything please know that" Elijah says softly as he pulls me into his embrace while laying a soft kiss to the crown of my head I nudge my head into the crack of his neck before gently kissing along his mark earning a groan from him I giggle and pull back to look at his beautiful face thinking to myself how much I’m falling for him. I’m nervous but i feel like now is the best time to tell him how i feel i just hope he feels the same “Elijah I.. I need you to know that I love you I know I have given you a hard time and done some horrible things to you but I do I love you" I stutter out while looking at him trying to read his facial expressions but he has the prefect mask he never gives anything away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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