CHAPTER 12 - Studying

Start from the beginning

The next day

The following day neither Izuku nor Uraraka could face each other without blushing 50 shades of red. "Are you two okay?" Iida asked for the fifth time that day. The two managed to say yes for the fifth time as well.

Iida started talking again. "Oh! Come to think of it! I have three tickets to Disneyland! Do you two want to go this Sunday?" He asked looking at his two friends.

The two were a bit startled seeing as though their perfect student friend suggested having fun outside of school and on a Sunday!

"Sure!" the green-head and the brunette said simultaneously.

As they went inside the building where they were all residing, Asui came up to them with her arms full of what seemed like envelopes.

Then she suddenly dropped them in front of the green-haired teen startling him.

"What's with all these envelopes?" the boy asked her looking down at the thirty or so envelopes.

"I don't know, you tell me, ribbit." The frog quirked girl said.

"It seems they are all for you," Iida said taking off his shoes.

Izuku sighed. "I guess I won't know what they're all about until I read them all," he said as he picked up the bunch of letters and started walking towards the elevator.

"Do you need help?" Uraraka said before the green-haired teenager stepped into the elevator.

"No, I think I'll be able to handle them all on my own. But thanks anyway!" he said smiling at the brunette before the elevator doors closed.

As Izuku went into his room still full of All Might merch, he threw the letters on his desk.


As soon as Izuku had read about five letters which contain the same things except that they were from different people, he decided that he wanted to call his father.

Seeing as though Hisashi was probably working in his office about now, he decided to call the phone in his office.

"This is King Hisashi's assistant speaking. How may I help you?" he heard the somewhat familiar voice say.

"Hello Oliver. It's me, Prince Izuku. I wish to speak with my father." Izuku said as politely as he could.

While he was in England, his sister had taught him that he needed to have top manners and etiquette as the prince. So, he needed to speak very politely at all times, except for, of course, when he was in Japan.

"Oh! My prince. Yes, yes, of course. I'll give the king the phone right away!" the man said enthusiastically. "My king, it is prince Izuku." he then heard him say with a lower voice.

"Izuku?" he heard the manly voice of his father say.

"Hi dad!"

"I was just thinking of calling you. How are you?" the blonde man said through the phone.

"Thank you, dad, I'm well. I hope you are as well. But I need to talk with you about something." the greenette said to his father at the other end of the phone.

"Is that so? Well, what is it? Is everything okay over there?" the man asked with a bit of worry in his voice.

"Yeah, but I wanted to talk to you about the fact that I got about thirty letters today and all from different people."

"You did? What were they about?" the freckled man asked, his voice a bit more serious now.

"I don't know, I only read about five of them. But it seems they are all from British politicians. What I'm really wondering about is how they even knew that I go to UA and the address to my dorm."

Izuku heard a loud sigh from the other end of the call. "This is why I wanted to prepare you for politics from a young age. The politics and those involved over here, are crazy. They go to all lengths to have someone with authority on their sides. Many are corrupted and even though I am trying my best to change it, some people never change."

"I see. So what should I do?" Izuku asked a bit worried.

"I don't think you want to be involved with politics here yet. And I do not want that anymore either, so it's best to ignore them."

"But what should I do if they keep sending me letters?" the green-haired boy asked his blonde father.

"Just keep ignoring them. They should give up sooner or later if they don't get a reply." the freckled man told his son.

"Okay then."

"By the way, I got you a license and sent it there and it should arrive tomorrow or the day after."

"That's great but, I never took a test?"

"I know and I am aware that you don't like to use authority to get the things you want, but I don't think you have the time to get a license right now. I think it would be better if you can drive her as soon as possible, don't you think?"

"Yeah. But I would still like to pass the test on my own as soon as I have the time to take it!"

The blonde man chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you would say that. Well, whatever you want son."

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