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He is so adorable when he's blushing... I couldn't hold back a smile. Suddenly the door swung open, and my dad rushed into the kitchen. Everyone was shocked, and he just fixated his gaze on Jungkook and Yoongi.

"What are you two doing here? You don't belong here" he raised a brow. "Don't worry Chinhae, we're helping them with college stuff," Jin said, smiling. "Aren't they too young for college?" He asked, really skeptical because we let another wolf and especially a human into our pack's territory.

"They indeed are, Dad, but Yoongi here got a scholarship and convinced the director to let Jungkook tag along, so he wouldn't be alone," I said, trying my best to fake a smile.

"Ah, I see." He nodded at Yoongi and Jungkook to greet them. "Boys, you'll have training tomorrow. All of you" he just said. "Why? I thought you wanted us to concentrate on college?" Jimin asked, puzzled.

"That's right, but there's a threat right now and we have to freshen up your techniques" he tried to explain as vague as possible because of the two others who didn't belong to the pack.

We just nodded. "Alright then, have fun" he smiled at us and we all tried our best to smile back at him, and left. As I no longer heard his heartbeat I let out a deep breath and slammed my head onto the table once more.

"Seems like he likes Yoongi" Jimin said. "Yeah because he doesn't know that he's said someone," I said. I didn't even want to imagine what'd happen if he found out, so I just brushed it aside.

"Do you wanna continue training or are you too exhausted?" Jin asked. "I don't know... If you guys have training" he hesitated.

"We could do a movie evening? Because you guys don't have your college stuff with you so you can't stay the night" Jimin said.

"They could if we drop them off shortly before school and take them with us" Hoseok suggested. "But we'd have to wake up early for that" I whined.

"Please? We didn't have a proper friend's night in eons!" Jimin said, looking at me pleadingly. "Ok, I won't have to deal with my grumpy self tomorrow," I said, defensively, and everyone cheered.

We gathered blankets and cushions on the sofa and even more blankets for the two bean bags and a love seat. Hoseok, Seokjin, and Namjoon occupied the sofa, me and Yoongi had one bean bag for ourselves and obviously, Jungkook and Jimin took the love seat.

"What do we even watch?" Jin asked, skipping through the various movies on Netflix. "Marvel!" I exclaimed, pouting. "Okay, who has seen which movies already?" He asked so we could pick out something everyone would understand, which turned out to be Endgame.

I snuggled closer into my bean bag and pretended to be watching the movie, but in reality, I was just watching Yoongi. He was so beautiful, his milky skin mirroring the flashing colors almost perfectly.

I smiled to myself, then I noticed someone looking at me. I turned to look at Jimin and Jungkook, grinning at me from ear to ear.

'Make a move!' Jungkook mouthed and I just shook my head a little so nobody would notice. Then Jimin and Hoseok looked at each other, and I could practically smell they were communicating via the link.

𝓨𝓸𝓾, 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓮  [ᵗᵃᵉᵍⁱ] ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant