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Mad grumbled. He felt something warm against him and it made him uncomfortable. Opening one eye he saw It was Virus.


It was Virus.


He was...


Mad rolled over, knocking Virus away. Virus rubbed his head confused.

"D-did you just kiss me!?"



"It's not like you haven't done it, twice. Already."

Mad blushed terrible. He put a hand over his mouth and tried to calm his racing heart. Virus raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong? Didn't you have feelings for me, Maddy~?"

Mad peered towards Virus to see him crawling towards Mad. The blush only increased.

"Q-quit that!! You idiot!!" Mad said trying to move away. Virus grabbed him and pinned him to the floor, way to easily. "S-stop it!!"

"C'mon~. Didn't you miss me while I was updating.." Virus purred as he sat on Mads stomach. Mad blushed and turned his head away. "Besides..." Virus moved down to ear level."If you really wanted me off you wouldn't have a problem pushing me off..."

Mad knew Virus was right. He just didn't want to accept it. But he knew he had to. Turning his head to look at Virus he saw how close their faces were.

"I know you love me, you admitted denying it anymore." Virus purred.

"I figured you lost feelings for me. So I pushed them away." Mad said, noting every feature on Virus.

"You don't deny it though? Shocking."

"Oh shut up."

And with that, Mad pulled Virus down against his lips.

But then. Virus disappeared.


A loud laughter made him look towards the kitchen. Cyber and Virus stood laughing at Mad.

"Y-you..! W-what the hell!?"

"How was the hologram?" Virus laughed. Mad growled, reaching up on the table for his knife.

"You're gonna pay for that..."

Virus and Cyber stopped laughing. Stood only for a second before dashing up the stairs. Mad was quick to his feet and chased after.

Virus locked Cyber into the room that was full of old toys from the previous owners. Then made his way into the other bedroom. Before he could close the door-


Mad kicked it fully open. Causing Virus to fall back onto the dusty bed. Mad stuck the knife into the wall before closing and locking the door.

"N-now Mad...I know you're probably furious...but c'mon! It's not that bad!"

"Not that bad..?" Mad said deep and slow. "You find teasing me, not that bad..?"

Virus was so nervous he didn't realize Mad was crawling over him as he spoke. Until he felt someone grab his chin. Forcing his lips up, against slightly rougher ones.

Virus blinked a few times then fluttered his eyes closed. Mad tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Trying to avoid Virus from getting hurt on the stitches in his mouth.

Virus moved his tongue across Mads bottom jaw, but Mads the one who got into the others mouth.


Cyber sat patiently in the room. Several minutes after the loud bam, she got bored.

The girl laid on the floor and pulled out two pieces of paper. She got curious when she heard a loud yelp and then what sounded like a groan. But went back to work, using some old crayons she began drawing.

One one paper she draw a stockman in a lab coat, standing with a lady with wings on her back. Then on the other paper she draw two men, one with red eyes and the other with blue.

"Mommy..." Cyber whispered as she held the paper of the Professor and the lady close to her chest. Pulling out some glue, she pasted the two picture together, the one with Mad and Virus on top. Then hung it on the wall. She looked at it for a second, then tried to write the words, 'Daddy' and 'Poppy', on it.

"There." She said proudly. Cyber grinned and walked over to the old bed by the window. Climbing up on it she laid down with an old stuffed bear that was in the room.

She couldn't go to sleep. Cyber was too distracted of what those 'noises' were. It sounded like some animal out of breath and in pain every so often. Then a short yell and all was quiet. She shrugged and let sleep take her then.

Brighton Labs

Nixon sat at his desk. Staring at a picture that sat on it amongst his papers.

On it showed him, younger then he was now, standing with a lady with black hair. His arm wrapped around her and what looked like a toddler Jupiter in his other arm. The ladies stomach was larger then it should have been.

"Who's that?"

Nixon turned to see Miranda standing in the doorway. "Haven't you learnt to knock?"

"I don't see why I should."

Nixon grinned. "That's my wife to answer your question."

"Your wife....." Miranda said a little taken back.

"Yes...she's been dead for three years now..."

"I'm sorry for your...loss..." Miranda hesitated.

Nixon looked up at her. "Forget about it..." He sighed.

He wasn't startled or surprised when Miranda climbed onto his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. He returned the embrace without any trouble.

They stayed like that for several minutes, just holding. Nixon taking in her aroma and loving it. Miranda felt her heart begin to race as she pulled back slowly. Looking Nixon right in the eyes.

Nixon used his hand to wipe some hair behind her ear and cup the side of her face. She pressed into his hand, feeling him pull her forward.

They closed their eyes when they could feel each other's breath-

"Father may I speak with you?"


Miranda was pressed back to the desk, startled. Nixon was on the floor, his chair fallen backwards.

"Uhm,...did I interrupt something...?"

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