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3 years later.



The alarm clock hit with a loud thud to the floor. The person responsible for the clocks state slowly swung his arm down from the nightstand then groaned loudly.

Cry sat up in bed slowly. Running his hand through his messy black hair and yawning, he swung his feet over the side of the large mattress.

He slowly peeked his eyes opened, then quickly shut them tight. The sunlight was hitting directly in his eyes.

"Ugh...KEN!" He shouted falling back on the bed. His roommate,

CinnamonToastKen was right next door and Cry knew he could hear him.

"WHAT!?" Was his response a second later. A smirk plastered on Crys face.

"Breakfast friend?" He chuckled to himself.

Cry let out a loud laugh while adjusting his mask onto his face. He flung himself to his feet, careful not to disturb his sleeping cat, AK. The black haired man shuffled out of his room, only making a short jog to dodge the pillow thrown from the room across from his own.

He chuckled to himself seeing the figure maneuver out of the room behind him from the corner of his eyes.
Cry opened up the cabinet in the small kitchen pulling out a jar of Nutella and some bread. He flipped two slices into the toaster and pushed down the timer.

"Ready for today's new game set?" Cry asked his southern friend as he sat at the counter.

"Yep. As ready as I can be." The bearded man huffed out. "Wonder if Pewds is ready though."

"Tsk." Cry smirked. "He's gonna be screaming I know it."

Ken laughed. "S'true." He said as Cry chuckled.

The masked man leant against the counter rubbing his left leg with his right foot.

Ken and Him both worked at YouTube Corporation. Along with some of there other friends of course. They made videos from playing video games or other things like vlogs. All of them had separate homes, but when they planned on doing a video all together they were assigned dorms with roommates. Some games were even in large simulators that were recorded in there point of view.

That was one of those games today.


Cry jerked himself off the counter over to the toaster. Pulling the toast out carefully onto his plate and kens plate.

"Thanks." ken murmured swiping some jelly onto his own toast.

Cry opened the Nutella jar easily as he jumped up to sit on the counter. Picking up a spoon he spread the hazelnut treat onto the toast.

After 5 minutes Cry was still eating his Nutella out of the jar once the toast was gone. Ken had gotten up to feed his dog Betty and two pet rats, Shredder and Splinter.
Cry nearly choked on the Nutella and spoon when-



The dirty blonde Swedish man swung the door open wearing his normal blue and white bro fist t-shirt, a red jacket over it and tan skinny jeans.

Cry only managed to cough as he held a napkin to his mouth to prevent a mess.

"Morning Pewdie." Ken laughed.

"Geez c'mon guys get ready, it's 9:30!" Pewdiepie said walking inside as Ken put his arm around the swedes shoulder.

"F-Fuck you pewds!" Cry coughed as he slid off the counter.

The three had known each other for awhile and were good friends. But the three didn't start out working together.

Ken worked by himself at first then played games with his girlfriend, Mary.
Pewdiepie played a lot of games by himself then started playing games with his own girlfriend, Marzia, then played with Cry and Ken more.

Cry played with both of them but started out with his YouTube group Late Night Crew. He played with his friends, Russ, Red, Snake, Scott, And Ziegs.

"Ya know ya wanna~!" Pewds smirked sashaying into the small living room. "Do it for the fan fictions Cry!"

Cry felt his face fluster from under the mask. Lucky for him they couldn't see. "T-that's not what I meant you pervert." He couldn't keep his voice straight and ended up laughing on the last word.

"Just go get dressed you too dorks." Pewds said before Falling onto the couch.
Cry rolled his eyes before shuffling into his room and shutting the door behind him. He changed into his green hoodie with the words 'sup' on the back. He put on black sweat pants and matching sneakers. He brushed his teeth then his hair.

He walked out after feeding Ak, seeing Ken standing in his CTK shirt and Cookie Monster pants. His bear hat resting atop of his head and sneakers still not tied.

"Okay! Were all set!" Pewdie said as he bounced around the room to the door. Ken and Cry shook their heads at their energized friend.

They walked out of the dorm into the large complex halls of the building that towered over everything else outside or miles. Unsure of what would be stored along the way to the next game.

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