Welcome, Students.

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"And this young ladies and gentlemen is the connector zone!"

The tour guides voice boomed over the crowd of high school students.

"All connecting departments meet in the middle here. To accommodate the needs of good resting and activities to keep our scientists, young and old, entertained, there are several departments In here."

"The food court and lounging area fills the needs of all hunger or thirst, along with the need to sit and relax. Then for actives we have several different sporting areas to enjoy. Including boxing, swimming, tennis, and volleyball." The tour guide said gesturing to the entire connection dome, as the group stood at the top of the ramp entrance.

Students marveled at the sight. Some taking pictures on their phones while others simply talked about it. A clearing of a throat caught the tourists attention.

"Ah! What an honor! Students, this himself is the creator of this place. Dr. Miedel!"

A tall man, dark brown hair that had curls in the front, dark sea green eyes, a a slight mustache tracing his lip, walked through the crowd to beside the tourist. His large lab coat open and a black shirt and formal pants underneath. He smiled.

"Just Professor, is fine. But hello future students! I hope this tour is going well." He said, his voice deep and muscular.

"What brings you to visit Professor?" The tour guide asked.

"I believe that in this group of students. You have a certain one that is special."

The kids began whispering amongst themselves about who it could be.

"Please step out. You know who you are."

A student pushed his way through the others, causing most to gasp at who it was. A 16 year old boy walked out. Wearing a flannel shirt and shorts, his black hair shaggy and his blue eyes piercing through a white ceramic mask on his face.

"Your name." The professor said.

"Ryan....Ryan Terry..."

The professor gave a slight nod. "But I go by Cry." That's what made the Professor confused.

"Oh? Alright." The professor cleared his throat. "This boy is special. Treat him badly amongst your student body and you speak to me. And that goes for everyone. This place is a place of peace."

"Meet me in my office." He whispered in Crys ear. And with that the Professor walked off, disappearing into the crowd of the connection dome.

"He was so hot!" "I wish I was older!" "I'd tap it!" "So kawaii!!" "Why can't I date him~!"

The girls chatted amongst themselves. Cry gave an annoyed look. The tourist clapped her hands.

"Now then! Please find your assigned room mate! You were given a card with a name on it, and that's who you are with."

Cry looked down at his paper, 'Russ Money'. He rolled his eyes and looked around. Most people already had found their roommates and were being led to the living quarters.

"Ryan? Is it?"

Cry turned to a kid not much older then him. Brown hair, blue eyes, and thick rimmed glasses. He smiled at Cry.


"Oh..." Cry said, "guess you're my roommate...call me Cry by the way."

"No problem. So you're the 'chosen student'?"

"No...just special..."

"How so?" Russ asked as the two made their way towards the living quarters.

"I uhm...." Cry paused.

"It's fine. You don't have to tell."

The two talked some more on the way. They discussed how they both loved video games, about where they came from, and other stuff.

They went up the elevator to their floor and found their room. Luckily the lab already had their stuff sent to the room.

"Woah..." Russ said while opening the door inside.

The door opened to a foyer, to the right was an all open kitchen, connecting to the living room with a semi circle couch and large flat screen. Across the living room was a hall leading to the guest bathroom and two bedrooms with their own bathrooms.

"Awesome!!" Cry said running to one of the bedrooms, his bags littered the floor and a large queen sized mattress rested against the wall. A desk on one corner and a closest across from it. The bathroom door was on it's own wall with a dresser beside it.

"This is so cool!!" Russ said from his room.

Cry nodded till he heard a door bell ring. It must have been the rooms. Walking from his room to the door he opened it.

The teen that stood was defiantly older then him. Probably in his very early twenties if not nineteen. That was normal for the lab actually, to take teens all the way to the age of 25, ones who wanted some more education or something. Cry only read that in a hand out.

The guy had dark brown hair and eyes. A small trace of a possible beard sat on his face, and glasses rested on his nose. He wore a ninja turtle shirt and Cookie Monster pajama pants.

"Uhm...hi..." Cry spoke slowly.

"Hey. Is this room....68K?"

"No this is 69J. You're a floor under."

"Oh shoot! Thanks for helping me. My names Kenneth Morrison." He shook Crys hand as Cry shook back.

"Cry. Just call me that."

"Awesome. Oh! And this is my roommate. He's not from this country."

'Woah...those blue eyes...' Cry thought to himself.

"How's it goin bro?"

It didn't dawn on Cry that he would forget the dark blonde headed figure standing before him.

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