Think back the past

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It had been a week since the Cyber incident.

Felix and Cry never seemed to leave each other's side. It had become a natural thing to see them cuddling on the lounge sofa. Of course they wanted to help the Professor anyway they could, but he told the two that it would be best if they stayed in the Lab room that they were in.

"Guuuuuyyyyysss~" Scott whined. He trudged into the lounge, still in his sleep wear. "What's the stream schedule~"

The only answer Scott got was small giggles and whispers coming from over the couch. He rolled his eyes and walked over. And no doubt it was Cry and Felix. Felix laying on his back as Cry was snuggled against him, his hand tracing over the swollen stomach.

Scott gaged, getting their attention. "Oh hai friend." Cry said casual, making Felix giggle.

"Hey." Scott rolled his eyes. "Do you two ever do anything else?" He knew the answer even before they shook their heads. "What's the stream schedule?"

Cry gave a puzzled look. It had been awhile since they streamed. "Uhm...I haven't...made one yet....?" He laughed nervously.

"What!?" Scott almost shouted. "Dude it's in six hours!"

"Well let's just play some cards against humanity, Mario kart, smash, or whatever." Scott gave a frustrated sound as he walked away, causing Cry to laugh.

Felix nuzzled into Crys chest, his stomach very uneasy. Cry placed his hand on his stomach and rubbed around it.

"Love you..." Cry mumbled into Felix's hair. Felix grinned.


Cry looked over at the door to see the Professor and Jupiter standing. He didn't waste too much time to get over there, carefully climbing over Felix.

"What is it Professor...?"

"We've gotten the first tests of Felix's pregnancy." Jupiter said with a small smile. "The baby is in good condition, about two months now."

"So he will be dealing with serious nausea, and possible will have a raise in hormones. So don't be surprised in sudden behavior."

Cry nodded. Not understand half of It. Looking back over to the couch he saw Felix sitting and waiting. Cry looked up at the professor.

"When can I know if it's boy or girl...?"

The professor chuckled. "Not yet." The professor gave a puzzled look. "So...are you going to marry him?"

"Huh!?" Cry said blushing mad. "N-no! It's only been a week!"

"Well how long have you two known each other?"

" a year or two..."

"That's enough time!"

"It-it's not that....I-I'm just not ready...I-I don't even like weddings..."

Jupiter and Nixon raised eyebrows at him. He sighed and explained, "I-I just don't like crowds. And having that attention on me is a lot. I would mess up..."

Nixon let out a hardy laugh. "You act like this is high school!"

"High school...? Oh yeah..." Cry forgot he went to the labs for high school, since most of his years he had to be tested.

"I remember first meeting you. "

"I thought you were a loud ass who just liked to hear himself talk."

"I thought you were a spoiled brat."

Nixon and Cry stayed quiet for a second before laughing again. Jupiter rolled her eyes. "I hated dealing with him during class."

"Awww that's not true! You loved me!"

Jupiter gave a disgusted look, "Ew. No."

"Now c'mon, you know I'm handsome."

"Friend. Handsome."

Cry smirked at her comment before laughing again.

Felix stayed at the couch and watched. They were just talking and laughing and it made him kinda confused. He shrugged and ignored it. Turning to the lounge tv he made himself comfortable.

"I wonder what you're gonna be..." Felix said to himself, rubbing his stomach slowly. "Maybe a boy....nah...I think a girl....yeah..but if a boy that's fine...but I like a good older brother and little sister deal." Felix grinned, thinking back to Anti.

"But what about a name....hmm. Well if a boy maybe Stephano...or maybe Echo..." Felix pondered, "if a girl....Rayan?...Clemmy is too mainstream now. Sh'arity?" Felix said, trying to pronounce Charity. "Nah...maybe Ellie...either Rayan or Ellie..."

Felix looked on tv and saw the headlines were about the kidnapping of him and the others in Florida. Then an idea popped into his head.


"What was that?"

He jumped when he saw Cry standing over him. His mask discarded.

" scared me..."

"Sorry babe.." Cry smiled. "I was thinking maybe you wanna go for a walk around the Lab rooms? To the living areas?"

Felix thought for a moment then nodded. He stood and put an arm around Cry who put his own around Felix.

"I talked to the Professor..." Cry said when they got to the halls.

"I saw."

"He said the baby is fine..."

"I know. I had a feeling."


"In mah gut!" Cry laughed and kissed his forehead.

They were located at the 69th floor lounge. The main building they were in went straight upwards to 80 stories. Then to the sides it had curved downwards ramps from each floor to a large dome behind the lab. In It is where the separate stations would meet in the middle.

One branches off and leads to a larger done, that's where the tests for machines are held. Then the next dome was for chemical experiments, a lot of medicines and DNA tests go on in there also. After that comes the meeting areas of all higher workers. Then the last branch was what lead to the living areas.

A smaller branch off of the medical tests that connected to the living area was the hospital, which was ramped overtop of the meeting areas and had several floors. Branching only off the living area dome was a large building, connected by a glass tube, the school systems. Three schools for the younger beings living at the lab. The schools were equipped with everything a very high class and high budget school would expect to be. All extra classes, all sports, nothing left out. Overtop of the living quarters dome, curving down the other side from the school was the actual houses for the youngers. 77 floors, 3 separate levels for lower school, middle school, and high school levels, 1,400 kids to house, two per room, 9 rooms per floor. The lower and middle school kids had care mothers on their floors to watch over them. But the high schoolers had no one but themselves, and a few weekly inspections. Branching off the machine testing area was all kinds of testing courses, one for boats, one for trains, one for cars, and one for planes.

Cry enjoyed walking down the lab ways to the living quarters. It brought a lot of old memories back. Especially of meeting, them.

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